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Savilov, A.V.

Paper Title Page
TUPP023 CRM in the Regime of Nonresonant Bunching
  • I.V. Bandurkin, V.L. Bratman, A.V. Savilov
    IAP/RAS, Nizhny Novgorod

Funding: This work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 05-02-16852.

New regime of electron-wave coupling in cyclotron resonance maser (CRM) is proposed. In this regime, during the most part of interaction process electrons move in the field of rf wave which is relatively far from cyclotron resonance. It is shown, that if resonance mismatch is chosen properly, an effective bunching takes place, an amplitude of forming rf current weakly depending on the velocity spread. Simulations show that, whereas the efficiency of traditional regimes quickly decreases with increasing velocity spread, efficiency of the proposed scheme practically does not change and for relative value of spread in transverse velocities of 40% is twice as large as corresponding efficiency of the conventional regimes. The regime seems to be also prospective for realization of CRM with frequency multiplication. In such a scheme, resonance mismatch for low-frequency wave in bunching section should be such that high-frequency wave be in resonance with the beam. Thus, the device operates like the single-frequency oscillator in the regime of nonresonant bunching at the low frequency, and the high-frequency wave is excited by the high harmonic of electron current inside the bunching section.