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Rose, J.

Paper Title Page
MOPP031 Experimental Characterization of the Seeded FEL Amplifier at the BNL SDL 98
  • T. Watanabe, D.F.L. Liu, J.B. Murphy, J. Rose, T.V. Shaftan, T. Tsang, X.J. Wang, L.-H. Yu
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • P. Sprangle
    NRL, Washington, DC

Funding: Work supported by the Office of Naval Research.

A laser seeded near IR FEL amplifier experiment was initiated at the BNL SDL [1] to explore various schemes of FEL efficiency improvement and generation of short Rayleigh length (SRL) FEL output. The FEL achieved first SASE lasing at 0.8 μm on May 6, 2005. The experimental characterization of the laser seeded FEL output power, spectrum and transverse mode structure evolution will be presented.

[1] A. Doyuran et al., PRSTAB, Vol. 7, 050701 (2004).

MOOC003 Radiation Spectrum Statistics in a High-Gain Free-Electron Laser at 266 nm 220
  • T.V. Shaftan, S. Krinsky, D.F.L. Liu, J.B. Murphy, J. Rose, X.J. Wang, T. Watanabe, L.-H. Yu
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • H. Loos
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Funding: The manuscript has been authored by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 with the U.S. Department of Energy.

We discuss analysis of an experiment with High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free Electron Laser at BNL (DUV FEL). The tunability concept [1] of a seeded FEL with a fixed seed wavelength has been verified experimentally. During the experiment we recorded about 200 radiation spectra corresponding to different energy chirps in the electron beam. We have analyzed this set of spectral data to obtain properties of HGHG radiation. Correlations and trends in the radiation spectrum at 266 nm have been observed and studied.

[1] T. Shaftan and L.H. Yu, Phys. Rev. E 71, 046501 (2005)

TUPP044 Short Rayleigh Range Free Electron Laser Amplifiers
  • L.-H. Yu, D.F.L. Liu, J.B. Murphy, J. Rose, T.V. Shaftan, X.J. Wang, T. Watanabe
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York

An important requirement for a high average power laser system is a manageable power density on the first optical element. One possibility to achieve this is a single pass amplifier which generates a short Rayleigh range (SRL) light beam. We present design parameters and calculated performances for several SRL configurations. These include a simulation of the optically guided (pinched) MW class FEL [1], the scalloped beam FEL amplifier [2] and high gain TOK amplifiers we propose to explore at our SDL facility.

[1] P. Sprangle et al. , IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1739, 2004 [2] D. Nguyen, private communication, 2005.

TUPP046 Design Study of a Compact Megawatt Class FEL Amplifier Based on the VISA Undulator 320
  • T. Watanabe, D.F.L. Liu, J.B. Murphy, I.P. Pinayev, J. Rose, T.V. Shaftan, J. Skaritka, T. Tanabe, T. Tsang, X.J. Wang, L.-H. Yu
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • S. Reiche
    UCLA, Los Angeles, California
  • P. Sprangle
    NRL, Washington, DC

The design of a Short Rayleigh Length (SRL) FEL amplifier based on the strong focusing VISA undulator [1] is presented in this study. The SRL FEL amplifier will be operating in the IR (0.8 - 1 μm), and consists of a two-meter VISA undulator with a peak seed laser power of about 1 kW. The FEL power and transverse mode evolution along the undulator were investigated using the three-dimensional numerical code GENESIS1.3. The evolution of the FEL output from the undulator exit to the first downstream optics is also studied. The possibility of using the proposed amplifier for a two-stage cascaded HGHG FEL [2] at the BNL SDL is also explored. The design parameters and the numerical results will be presented.

[1] R. Carr et al., PRSTAB, Vol. 4, 122402 (2001). [2] J. Wuard and L.H. Yu, NIMA 475, 104 (2001).

THPP032 An Experimental Test of Superradiance in a Single Pass Seeded FEL 526
  • T. Watanabe, D.F.L. Liu, J.B. Murphy, J. Rose, T.V. Shaftan, Y. Shen, T. Tsang, X.J. Wang, L.-H. Yu
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • L. Giannessi, S. Spampinati
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma)
  • P. Musumeci
    Universita di Roma I La Sapienza, Roma
  • S. Reiche
    UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Funding: Work suppoted by the Brookhaven National Lab and Office of Naval Research

The SDL facility at BNL[1] is an excellent platform to explore some of the recent ideas related to superradiance in a seeded single pass FEL. At the SDL facility there is an operating FEL with a Ti:Sapphire seed laser and a high brightness e-beam with an energy up to 250 MeV. Seeding may be realized with pulses shorter than the e-beam bunch length to induce the superradiant regime. A status report concerning this experiment will be presented.

[1] A. Doyuran et al., PRSTAB, Vol. 7, 050701 (2004).