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Pflueger, J.

Paper Title Page
TUOC002 Undulator Systems and Photon Dignostic Plans for the European XFEL Project 378
  • J. Pflueger
    DESY, Hamburg

The undulator systems for the European XFEL project will produce 0.1nm radiation. Their length will exceed 200m. they will be segmented into 40-50 segments. There will be very demanding requirements on the performance of the undulator segments. The concept for building these systems will be explained in detail. This includes drive systems, magnet structures, control systems, phase shifter and othe components in the intersections as well. An important role plays the photon diagnostic station which is foreseen for each SASE FEL beam line. It can be used for steering the beam through the undulator line, for precision gap tuning of individual undulator segments and for precise phase matching of neighbouring devices. An important role plays the interaction with the undulator control system.