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Okuda, S.

Paper Title Page
TUPP035 Generation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation from JAERI-ERL 301
  • R. Hajima, H. Iijima, N. Kikuzawa, E.J. Minehara, R. Nagai, T. Nishitani, M. Sawamura
    JAEA/FEL, Ibaraki-ken
  • S. Okuda
    Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai
  • T. Takahashi
    KURRI, Osaka

An electron beam with high-average current and short bunch length can be accelerated by energy-recovery linac. Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) from such an electron beam will be a useful light source around millimeter wavelength. We report results from a preliminary measurement of CSR emitted from a bending magnet of JAERI-ERL. Possible enhancement of CSR power by FEL micro-bunching is also discussed.