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Niles, S.P.

Paper Title Page
TUPP029 Weak-Field Gain in Short-Rayleigh Length Free Electron Lasers
  • J. Blau, W.B. Colson, S.P. Niles, R. Vigil
    NPS, Monterey, California


A compact, high-power free electron laser may require a short-Rayleigh length resonator to reduce the power intensity on the mirrors. Conventional FEL theory predicts that as the Rayleigh length is reduced below an optimum value of approximately one-third of the undulator length, the filling factor and hence the gain will be reduced. However, this theory is only valid for extremely low gains (~1%); for modest gains (~20%), the optical mode is distorted and the amplification is enhanced. Simulations show that the weak-field gain remains fairly constant as the Rayleigh length is reduced.