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Neumann, J.G.

Paper Title Page
THPP062 Modulation of Intense Beams in the University of Maryland Electron Ring 628
  • J.R. Harris
    University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
  • J.G. Neumann
    IREAP, College Park, Maryland
  • P.G. O'Shea
    University Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Funding: Department of Energy, Office of Naval Research, Army Research Laboratory, and Directed Energy Professional Society

All beams are dominated by space charge forces when first created. After a beam is accelerated, space charge directly plays a less important role. However, at low energy space charge will drive changes in the beam which will become "frozen in" as the beam is accelerated, and may have adverse consequences even at high energy. In this paper, we report on the generation and evolution of modulated beams in the University of Maryland Electron Ring, a low energy (10 keV), high current (100 mA) electron recirculator for the study of beams in the extreme space charge dominated regime. Such intense, modulated beams have application to future high power FELs and novel light sources.