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Loos, H.

Paper Title Page
MOOC003 Radiation Spectrum Statistics in a High-Gain Free-Electron Laser at 266 nm 220
  • T.V. Shaftan, S. Krinsky, D.F.L. Liu, J.B. Murphy, J. Rose, X.J. Wang, T. Watanabe, L.-H. Yu
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • H. Loos
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Funding: The manuscript has been authored by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 with the U.S. Department of Energy.

We discuss analysis of an experiment with High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free Electron Laser at BNL (DUV FEL). The tunability concept [1] of a seeded FEL with a fixed seed wavelength has been verified experimentally. During the experiment we recorded about 200 radiation spectra corresponding to different energy chirps in the electron beam. We have analyzed this set of spectral data to obtain properties of HGHG radiation. Correlations and trends in the radiation spectrum at 266 nm have been observed and studied.

[1] T. Shaftan and L.H. Yu, Phys. Rev. E 71, 046501 (2005)

THPP064 Reconstruction of the Four Dimensional Horizontal and Longitudinal Phase Space Distribution of an Electron Beam
  • H. Loos, J. Castro, D. Dowell, S.M. Gierman, J.F. Schmerge
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515

Understanding and optimizing the beam dynamics in high brightness electron accelerators not only requires the measurement of the 6-D beam ellipse, but also the details of the phase space distribution. By combining longitudinal and transverse phase space tomography in a dipole spectrometer the four-dimensional distribution can be resolved. We report on experiments at the Gun Test Facility (GTF) at SLAC where we measure the energy resolved horizontal beam distribution while simultaneously varying the longitudinal time-energy correlation and the horizontal phase advance to reconstruct the horizontal-longitudinal phase space distribution.

THPP065 Measurements of Transverse and Longitudinal Electron Beam Phase Space Distributions at the Gun Test Facility
  • H. Loos, P.R. Bolton, J.E. Clendenin, D. Dowell, S.M. Gierman, C. Limborg-Deprey, J.F. Schmerge
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Funding: Work supported by DOE contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515

The Gun Test Facility (GTF) at SLAC serves as a test bed for electron gun and high brightness photoinjector developement for future short wavelength light sources as well as new or improved diagnostics techniques. We report on measurements of longitudinal and projected as well as time-resolved transverse electron beam properies over a wide range of charge from 15 to 600 pC. The transverse and longitudinal phase space distributions are compared with simulation results.

THPP066 Experimental Studies of Temporal Electron Beam Shaping at the DUV-FEL Accelerator 632
  • H. Loos, D. Dowell
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  • M. Boscolo, M. Ferrario, C. Vicario
    INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma)
  • M. Petrarca
    INFN-Roma, Roma
  • L. Serafini
    INFN-Milano, Milano
  • B. Sheehy, Y. Shen, T. Tsang, X.J. Wang
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York

Funding: Work supported by DOE contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515 and DE-AC02-98CH10886

The photoinjectors for future short wavelength high brightness accelerator driven light sources need to produce an electron beam with ultra-low emittance. At the DUV-FEL facility at BNL, we studied the effect of longitudinally shaping the photocathode laser pulses on the electron beam dynamics. We report on measurements of transverse and longitudinal electron beam emittance and comparisons of the experimental results with simulations.