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Kuzmin, A.V.

Paper Title Page
TUPP040 Predicted Parameters of the Second Stage of High Power Novosibirsk FEL
  • A.V. Kuzmin, O.A. Shevchenko, N. Vinokurov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk

The first stage of Novosibirsk high power terahertz FEL was successfully put into operation in 2003 [1]. The measured parameters of the FEL turned out to be in a good agreement with calculations [2]. The second and the third stages of the FEL are under construction now. The beam energy at the second stage will be about 20 MeV and the wavelength will change in the range 40-80 μm. In this paper we present the design parameters for the second stage FEL. The simulations were carried out with the help of 1-D code based on macroparticles. This code was previously used for the first stage simulations [2].

[1] Antokhin E.A. et al. NIM A528 (2004) p.15-18. [2] Kuzmin A.V., Shevchenko O.A., Vinokurov N.A. NIM A543 (2005) p.114-117.