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Isoyama, G.

Paper Title Page
MOPP059 Strong Focusing Wiggler for SASE and FEL in the Far-Infrared Region at ISIR, Osaka University 199
  • S. Kashiwagi, G. Isoyama, R. Kato, N. Noda
    ISIR, Osaka
  • K. Tsuchiya, S. Yamamoto
    KEK, Ibaraki

We apply the edge-focusing scheme to the wiggler for FEL and SASE in the far-infrared region at ISIR, Osaka University in order to make the gain length of SASE shorter by keeping the beam size small along the wiggler. As the electron beam energy is 10-30 MeV and the magnetic field of the wiggler is up to 0.4 T, the natural focusing force in the vertical direction is strong in the wiggler and it is strongly dependent on the electron energy and the wiggler gap. The focusing forces should be compatible to or higher than the strong natural focusing force, equally in the horizontal and vertical directions over the wide range of the electron beam energy and the wiggler gap. In order to meet this requirement, we adopt the strong focusing scheme using the EF wiggler. The wiggler consists of 4 FODO cells in the 1.938 m long (32 periods, period length: 60mm). A focusing element and defocusing element are incorporate with single wiggler periods with edge angles of +5 and -5 degrees, respectively, and they are separated by 3 normal wiggler periods. The strong focusing wiggler has been fabricated and magnetic field has been measured at KEK. We will report results of the magnetic field measurements of the strong focusing wiggler.