Huang, J.Y.
Paper | Title | Page |
MOPP044 | Beam Diagnostic System for PAL-XFEL | 146 |
Funding: Work supported by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Beam diagnostics for PAL-XFEL physics calls for precision of femto-second in time structure and sub-micrometer in beam position measurement(BPM). Existing instruments can be used for standard diagnostics such as single bunch charge measurement, wire scanner or optical transition radiator for beam size measurement. Instead, major R&D efforts should be focused on the measurement of femto-second bunch structure using electro-optic crystal, coherent radiation and transverse deflecting cavity. Nanometer BPM technique being developed in collaboration with linear collider group will also be utilized for sub-micrometer BPM. Overall plan and the ongoing R&D activities will be presented. |
MOPP045 | Preliminary RF Test in PLS 2.5GeV Linac for PAL-XFEL | 150 |
Funding: Work supported by MOST and POSCO. In PALXFEL [1], the specification of the beam energy spread and rf phase is tighter than PLS Linac. We examined the rf performance in the present PLS 2.5GeV Linac. The beam energy is changed by cooling temperature, air condition, and modulator high voltage jitter. The main factor to change the beam energy is the rf phase drift by environmental conditions. We measured rf phase drift according to the variation of environmental condition and cooling temperature. We reduced the beam energy drift and the rf phase drift in long-term by improvement of cooling and air conditioning control system. Also, rf phase compensation system is needed for stable beam quality. This paper describes the microwave system for the PALXFEL the rf phase measurement and phase compensation system. [1] Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH Pohang 790-784, Korea |
MOPP026 | Simulations, Diagnostics and Recent Results of the VISA II Experiment | 83 |
The VISA II experiment entails use of a chirped beam to drive a high gain SASE FEL. The output radiation is diagnosed with a modified frequency resolved optical gating (FROG) technique. Sextupoles are implemented to correct the lonigtudinal aberrations affecting the high energy spread chirped beam during transport to the undulator. The double differential energy spectrum is measured with a pair of slits and a set of gratings. In this paper, we report on start-to-end simulations, radiation diagnostics, as well as intial experimental results; experimental methods are described. |
THPP023 | Effects of Longitudinal Space Charge Wake at PAL-XFEL | |
Longitudinal space charge wake is an important source that can generate microbunching instability at accelerator systems for X-ray free-electron laser. We present investigation to minimize gain of energy modulation due to the longitudinal space charge wakes that are caused at RF photocathode gun, two bunch compressors and linac at the PAL-XFEL, which include optimization of parameters for two bunch compressors and consideration of a laser heater. These studies are performd by using integral equation and numerical simulation methods. Design studies of a system for the laser heater are presented. We also show simulation results on effects of interaction between electron beam and laser. |
THPP054 | Physics and Engineering Issues of PPI (Pohang Photo-Injector) for PAL XFEL | 600 |
Funding: Work supported by the MOST and the POSCO. The PAL XFEL, an X-Ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) project based on the Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE), is under progress at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL). Successful completion of the project is expected to impose stringent requirements on the beam qualities such as the normalized emittance (< 1.2 mm-mrad) and the un-correlated energy spread (~10(-5)). This requires careful and systematic planning for ensuring the generation and the preservation of high-brightness beams in the whole machine. The PPI (Pohang Photo-Injector) is to achieve these requirements with high reliability and stability. In this article, we discuss various physics and engineering issues involved in the design and construction of the PPI. We also report on the R&D status of photo-cathode RF gun at the PAL. |