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Hajima, R.

Paper Title Page
TUPP035 Generation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation from JAERI-ERL 301
  • R. Hajima, H. Iijima, N. Kikuzawa, E.J. Minehara, R. Nagai, T. Nishitani, M. Sawamura
    JAEA/FEL, Ibaraki-ken
  • S. Okuda
    Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai
  • T. Takahashi
    KURRI, Osaka

An electron beam with high-average current and short bunch length can be accelerated by energy-recovery linac. Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) from such an electron beam will be a useful light source around millimeter wavelength. We report results from a preliminary measurement of CSR emitted from a bending magnet of JAERI-ERL. Possible enhancement of CSR power by FEL micro-bunching is also discussed.

TUPP036 Status and Future Plans of JAERI Eergy-Recovery Linac FEL
  • R. Hajima, H. Iijima, N. Kikuzawa, E.J. Minehara, R. Nagai, N. Nishimori, T. Nishitani, M. Sawamura, T. Yamauchi
    JAEA/FEL, Ibaraki-ken

An energy-recovery linac for a high-power free-electron laser is in operation at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). In this paper, we report results of research activities and future plans of JAERI ERL-FEL, which are the construction of FEL transport line, the operation of newly-installed RF controller and IOTs, the development of super-lattice photo cathode.

TUPP037 JAERI 10kW High Power ERL-FEL and Its Applications in Nuclear Energy Industries 305
  • E.J. Minehara, R. Hajima, H. Iijima, N. Kikuzawa, R. Nagai, N. Nishimori, T. Nishitani, M. Sawamura, T. Yamauchi
    JAEA/FEL, Ibaraki-ken

The JAERI high power ERL-FEL has been extended to the more powerful and efficient free-electron laser (FEL) than 10kW for nuclear energy industries, and other heavy industries like defense, shipbuilding, chemical industries, environmental sciences, space-debris, and power beaming and so on. In order to realize such a tunable, highly-efficient, high average power, high peak power and ultra-short pulse FEL, we need the efficient and powerful FEL driven by the JAERI compact, stand-alone and zero boil-off super-conducting RF linac with an energy-recovery geometry. Our discussions on the ERL-FEL will cover the current status of the 10kW upgrading and its applications of non-thermal peeling, cutting, and drilling to decommission the nuclear power plants, and to demonstrate successfully the proof of principle prevention of cold-worked stress-corrosion cracking failures in nuclear power reactors under routine operation using small cubic low-Carbon stainless steel samples.

TUPP066 Beyond the International Linear Collider: Driven by FEL with Energy Recovery at 5-10TeV
  • R. Hajima, T. Tajima
    JAEA/FEL, Ibaraki-ken

The international linear collider (ILC) at the extreme high energy frontier provides the best hope for the scientist to probe the finenst structure of matter and its origin and perhaps even the origin of the Universe. The technology that employs is based on superconducting RF technology. This technology may usher in a new era for the development of superconducting accelerator technology. On the other hand, the gradient that is allowed in such an accelerator is limited. If one wishes something beyond this after one learns the physics at such high energies(~0.5TeV) and utilizing such technology, one may need a new way to employ the supeconducting technology in providing high gradient compact accelerators. Inspired by a former work of 5-TeV colliders based on solid-state tera-watt lasers [1], we explore 5-10 TeV linear colliders driven by free-electron lasers equipped with energy-recovery system. A preliminary design study suggests that a 5-10 TeV collider with the luminosity of 10(34) can be realized by multi-stage laser acceleration.

[1] M. Xie et al., AIP Conference Proceedings 398, 233 (1997).