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Ellison, J.A.

Paper Title Page
TUPP022 CSR Effects in a Bunch Compressor: Influence of the Beam Frame Transverse Force
  • G. Bassi, J.A. Ellison
    UNM, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Funding: Support from DOE grants DE-AC02-76SF00515 and DE-FG02-99ER1104 is gratefully acknowledged.

We study the influence of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) on particle bunches traveling on arbitrary planar orbits between parallel conducting plates (shielding) with a Vlasov approach. [1] The fields excited by the bunch are computed in the lab frame using a formula simpler than that based on retarded potentials. The Vlasov equation is solved in the beam frame interaction picture. In recent numerical investigations we solved the Vlasov equation for a bunch compressor using the Liouville-Maxwell approximation (LMA), where the bunch density is evolved under the fields produced by the unperturbed density (subject to external fields only), neglecting the beam frame transverse force. [2] Here we report on the influence of the beam frame transverse force on the equations of motion.

[1] "Vlasov Treatment of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation from Arbitrary Planar Orbits" ,to be published in the Proceedings of ICAP04, St. Petersburg, R. Warnock, G. Bassi and J. A. Ellison. [2] "Progress On a Vlasov Treatment of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation from Arbitrary Planar Orbits" ,Proceedings of PAC2005, Knoxville, G. Bassi, J. A. Ellison and R. Warnock.