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De Ninno, G.

Paper Title Page
MOPP013 Optimization Studies of the FERMI at ELETTRA FEL Design 59
  • G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • W.M. Fawley
    LBNL, Berkeley, California
  • W. Graves
    MIT, Middleton, Massachusetts

The FERMI at ELETTRA project at Sincotrone Trieste involves two FEL's, each based upon the principle of a seeded harmonic cascade and using the existing ELETTRA injection linac at 1.2 GeV beam energy. Scheduled to be completed in 2008, FEL-1 will operate in the 40-100 nm wavelength range and will involve one stage of harmonic up-conversion. The second phase, FEL-2, will begin operation two years later in the 10-40 nm wavelength range and will involve two cascade stages. FEL design assumes wavelength tunability over the full wavelength range and polarization tunability of the output radiation including helical polarization. The design considers focusing properties and segmentation of realizable undulators and available input seed lasers. We discuss how the interplay between various limitations and self-consistent accelerator simulations [1,2] have led to our current design. We present results of simulations using GENESIS and GINGER simulation codes including studies of various shot-to-shot fluctuations and undulator errors. Findings for the expected output radiation in terms of the power, transverse and longitudinal coherence for the short pulse (50-200 fs) and long pulse (~1 ps) modes of operation are reported.

[1] S. Lidia et al. in these proceedings. [2] S. Di Mitri et al. in these proceedings.

TUPP009 Optimization Issues in a Harmonic Cascade FEL
  • G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • W.M. Fawley, G. Penn
    LBNL, Berkeley, California
  • W. Graves
    MIT, Middleton, Massachusetts

Funding: Work supported in part by the Office of Science, U.S. Dept. of Energy under Contract DE-AC03-76SF0098

Presently there is significant interest by multiple groups (e.g. BNL, ELETTRA, LBNL, BESSY, MIT) to reach short output wavelengths via a harmonic cascade FEL using an external seed laser. In a multistage device, there are a number of "free" parameters such as the nominal power of the input seed, the lengths of the individual modulator and radiator undulators, the strengths (i.e. the R56's) of the dispersive sections, the choice of the actual harmonic numbers to reach a given wavelength, etc., whose optimization is a non-trivial exercise. In particular, one can choose whether to operate predominantly in the "high gain" regime such as was proposed by Yu [1] in which case each radiator undulator is many gain lengths long or, alternatively, in the "low gain" regime in which case all undulators (except possibly the last radiator) are a couple gain lengths or less long and the output from each radiator essentially corresponds to coherent spontaneous emission from a pre-bunched beam. With particular emphasis upon the proposed two-stage FEL device for FERMI@Elettra, we discuss strategies for determining optimal cascade layouts based upon both analysis and numerical simulation results.

[1] L.H. Yu, Phys. Rev. A, 44, 5178 (1991).

TUPP010 Single Pass Free Electron Laser: The Reduced Hamiltonian
  • A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, S. Ruffo
    Universita di Firenze, Florence
  • G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste

We discuss the analogies between two classical models of the single-pass free electron laser dynamics and of the beam-wave plasma instability. Moreover, a formal bridge between the two areas of investigation is established. This connection is here exploited to derive a reduced Hamiltonian formulation for the saturated regime of the free electron laser.A self consistent formulation of the parameters involved is proposed .

TUPP011 Multiple Time Scale Theory of Single-Pass Steady-State
  • A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, S. Ruffo
    Universita di Firenze, Florence
  • J. Barre'
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • T. Dauxois
    ENS LYON, Lyon
  • G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • Y. Elskens
    Universite de Provence, Marseille

The non-linear dynamics of a single-pass, high-gain free-electron laser is analytically studied in the framework of the Vlasov-wave picture. A multiple time scale calculation is performed to derive the well known non-linear Landau equation for the complex amplitude of the unstable mode, which hence exhibits a limit cycle behaviour. The coefficients of the equation are analytically determined as function of a generic initial electron-beam distribution. Numerical results are presented. Possible extensions of this approach to the case of the Harmonic Generation are also discussed.

WEOA001 Feedback Control Of Dynamical Instabilities In Classical Lasers And Fels 391
  • S. Bielawski, C. Bruni, C. Szwaj
    PhLAM/CERCLA, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
  • M.-E. Couprie, D. Garzella
    CEA/DSM/DRECAM/SPAM, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • G. De Ninno, B. Diviacco, M. Trovo
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • D. Fanelli
    Universita di Firenze, Florence
  • M. Hosaka, M. Katoh, A. Mochihashi
    UVSOR, Okazaki
  • G.L. Orlandi
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma)
  • Y. Takashima
    Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya

Dynamical instabilities lead to unwanted full-scale power oscillations in many classical lasers and FEL oscillators. For a long time, applications requiring stable operation were typically performed by working outside the problematic parameter regions. A breakthrough occurred in the nineties [1], when emphasis was made on the practical importance of unstable states (stationary or periodic) that coexist with unwanted oscillatory states. Indeed, although not observable in usual experiments, unstable states can be stabilized, using a feedback control involving arbitrarily small perturbations of a parameter. This observation stimulated a set of works leading to successful suppression of dynamical instabilities (initially chaos) in lasers, sometimes with surprisingly simple feedback devices [2]. We will review a set of key results, including in particular the recent works on the stabilization of mode-locked lasers, and of the super-ACO, ELETTRA and UVSOR FELs [3].

[1] Ott et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 64, 1196 (1990). [2] Bielawski et al. Phys. Rev. A 47, 327 (1993). [3] Bielawski et al. Phys. Rev. E. 69, 045502 (2004), De Ninno & Fanelli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 094801 (2004), Bruni et al., proc. EPAC 2004.

THPP001 SRFEL Linewidth Narrowing in the Ultraviolet 447
  • D. Garzella
    CEA/Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • C. Bruni
    PhLAM/CERCLA, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
  • M.-E. Couprie
    CEA/DSM/DRECAM/SPAM, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • G. De Ninno, B. Diviacco, M. Marsi, M. Trovo
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste

The ELETTRA Storage Ring FEL succeded in operating in the Ultraviolet range, around 350 nm, with an etalon Fabry Perot inserted in the optical cavity. The high vacuum vessel, integrating a totally motorized control system for the principal degrees of freedom of the silica plate, allowed to obtain the laser oscillation, showing a reduction of the spectral linewidth by more than an order of magnitude. Temporal analysis by a double sweep streak camera showed also a broadening of the temporal pulse width. These major results are here exposed and compared with a numerical analysis and the Storage Ring FEL dynamics theory.

THPP005 Stabilization of the Elettra Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser through a Delayed Feedback Control Method 455
  • E. Allaria, G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli
    Universita di Firenze, Florence
  • F.T. Arecchi
    UNIFI, Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
  • R. Meucci
    INOA, Firenze

We numerically investigate the effect of a delayed control method on the stabilization of the dynamics of the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser in Trieste (Italy). Simulations give evidence of a significant reduction of the typical large oscillations of the laser intensity. Results are compared with numerical and experimental data obtained with a derivative feedback. The possibility of an experimental implementation of the proposed method is also discussed.

THPP006 Coherent Harmonic Generation using the Elettra Storage-Ring Optical Klystron: A Numerical Analysis 459
  • F. Curbis, F. Curbis
    Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste
  • G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste

Coherent harmonic generation can be obtained by means of frequency up-conversion of a high-power external laser focused into the first undulator of an optical klystron. The standard configuration is based on a single-pass device, where the seed laser is synchronized with an electron beam entering the first undulator of the optical klystron after being accelerated using a linear accelerator. As an alternative, the optical klystron may be installed on a storage ring, where it is normally used as interaction region for an oscillator free-electron laser. In this case, removing the optical cavity and using an external seed, one obtains a configuration which is similar to the standard one but also presents some peculiar characteristics. In this paper we investigate the possibility of harmonic generation using the Elettra storage-ring optical klystron. We explore different experimental set-ups varying the beam energy, the seed characteristics and the strength of the optical-klystron dispersive section. We also study the performance sensitivity to fluctuations of some beam parameters and the coherent/incoherent signal ratio for different harmonics. Numerical simulations are performed using different 3-D numerical codes.

THPP007 Stabilization of the Elettra Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser using a Derivative Feedback
  • G. De Ninno, B. Diviacco, M. Trovo
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli
    Universita di Firenze, Florence
  • R. Meucci
    INOA, Firenze

The possibility of establishing and maintaining a stable operation mode of a storage-ring free electron laser finally resides in a deep understanding of the strongly coupled laser-electron dynamics. Such a dynamics may be affected by electron-beam instabilities whose origin can be traced back either to electromagnetic wake fields or to "external" perturbations (e.g. line-induced modulations, mechanical vibrations, etc.). This is the case of the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser which is significantly affected by a 50-Hz perturbation of the electron beam density. We have developed a simple theoretical model which has been proved to be able to provide insight into the evolution of the laser intensity. In this framework, we have also proposed the possibility of utilizing a derivative closed-loop feedback to create or enlarge the region of stable signal. A feedback of this type has been implemented on the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser. The obtained results, which fully confirm our predictions, are discussed in this paper.

THPP013 Operation of the European FEL at ELETTRA Below 190 nm: A Tunable Laser Source for VUV Spectroscopy 473
  • G. De Ninno, E. Allaria, F. Curbis, M.B. Danailov, B. Diviacco, M. Marsi, M. Trovo
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • M. Coreno
    CNR - IMIP, Trieste
  • S. Günster, D. Ristau
    Laser Zentrum Hannover, Hannover

Thanks to an intensive technological effort in the framework of the EEC Contract HPRI CT-2001-50025 (EUFELE), the European FEL at ELETTRA was able to break the previous record for the shortest wavelength of an FEL oscillator. Novel solutions were adopted for multilayer mirrors to allow FEL operation in the wavelength region between 160 and 190 nm, which is one of the main targets of the project. The characteristics of the FEL pulses measured at 176 nm (spectral profiles, high intensity, meV bandpass, MHz repetition rate) make it a competitive light source for spectroscopy, in particular for fluorescence studies in the VUV spectral range. Proof of principle experiments have been performed on different types of silica glasses, yielding information on the mechanisms of light absorption in this material.

FROA003 FERMI @ Elettra: A Seeded Harmonic Cascade FEL for EUV and Soft X-Rays 682
  • C.J. Bocchetta, D. Bulfone, P. Craievich, G. D'Auria, M.B. Danailov, G. De Ninno, S. Di Mitri, B. Diviacco, M. Ferianis, A. Gomezel, F. Iazzourene, E. Karantzoulis, G. Penco, M. Trovo
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • J.N. Corlett, W.M. Fawley, S.M. Lidia, G. Penn, A. Ratti, J.W.  Staples, R.B. Wilcox, A. Zholents
    LBNL, Berkeley, California
  • M. Cornacchia, P. Emma, Z. Huang, J. Wu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  • W. Graves, F.O. Ilday, F.X. Kaertner, D. Wang, T. Zwart
    MIT, Middleton, Massachusetts
  • F. Parmigiani
    Universita Cattolica-Brescia, Brescia

We describe the machine layout and major performance parameters for the FERMI FEL project funded for construction at Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy. The project will be the first user facility based on seeded harmonic cascade FELs, providing controlled, high peak-power pulses. With a high-brightness rf photocathode gun, and using the existing 1.2 GeV S-band linac, the facility will provide tunable output over a range from ~100 nm to ~10 nm, with pulse duration from 40 fs to ~ 1ps, and with fully variable output polarization. Initially, two FEL cascades are planned; a single-stage harmonic generation to operate > 40 nm, and a two-stage cascade operating from ~40 nm to ~10 nm or shorter wavelength. The output is spatially and temporally coherent, with peak power in the GW range. Lasers provide modulation to the electron beam, as well as driving the photocathode and other systems, and the facility will integrate laser systems with the accelerator infrastructure, including a state-of-the-art optical timing system providing synchronization of rf signals, lasers, and x-ray pulses. Major systems and overall facility layout are described, and key performance parameters summarized.