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Bolton, P.R.

Paper Title Page
THPP065 Measurements of Transverse and Longitudinal Electron Beam Phase Space Distributions at the Gun Test Facility
  • H. Loos, P.R. Bolton, J.E. Clendenin, D. Dowell, S.M. Gierman, C. Limborg-Deprey, J.F. Schmerge
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Funding: Work supported by DOE contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515

The Gun Test Facility (GTF) at SLAC serves as a test bed for electron gun and high brightness photoinjector developement for future short wavelength light sources as well as new or improved diagnostics techniques. We report on measurements of longitudinal and projected as well as time-resolved transverse electron beam properies over a wide range of charge from 15 to 600 pC. The transverse and longitudinal phase space distributions are compared with simulation results.