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Asakawa, M.

Paper Title Page
MOPP057 Adjustment of Adiabatic Transition Magnetic Field of Solenoid-Induced Helicla Wiggler 191
  • Y. Tsunawaki
    OSU, Daito, Osaka
  • M. Asakawa, N. Ohigashi
    Kansai University, Osaka
  • K. Imasaki
    ILT, Suita, Osaka

We have been constructed a solenoid-induced helical wiggler for a compact free electron maser operated in a usual small laboratory which does not have electric source capacity available enough. It consists of two staggered-iron arrays inserted perpendicularly to each other in a solenoid electromagnet. In order to lead/extract an electron beam into/from the wiggler, adiabatic transition (AT) field is necessary at both ends of the wiggler. In this work the AT field was produced by setting staggered-nickel plates with different thickness in the five periods. The thickness of each nickel plate was decided by the field analysis using the MAGTZ computational code based on a magnetic moment method. Exact thickness was, however, found by the precise measurement of the field distribution with the greatest circumspection to obtain a homogeneous increment of the AT field. The change of AT field distribution was studied by referring to an equivalent electric circuit of the wiggler.