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Asaka, T.

Paper Title Page
MOPP042 Status of SPring-8 Photocathode Rf Gun for Future Light Sources 138
  • H. Tomizawa, T. Asaka, H. Dewa, H. Hanaki, T. Kobayashi, A. Mizuno, S. Suzuki, T. Taniuchi, K. Yanagida
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo
  • F. Matsui

We have been studying photocathode single-cell pillbox rf gun for future light sources since 1996. We achieved a rmaximum field gradient of 187 MV/m with chemical-etching processed cavity. We have been developed stable and highly qualified UV-laser source for the rf gun intensively last 3 years. The UV-laser pulse (10 Hz) energy is up to 850 uJ/pulse. The energy stability (rms) of laser has been improved down to 0.2~0.3 % at the fundamental and 0.7~1.3% at the third harmonic generation. This stability is held for two months continuously. In this improvement, we just passively stabilized the system in a humidity-controlled clean room. On the other hand, the ideal spatial and temporal profiles of a shot-by-shot single laser pulse are essential to suppress the emittance growth of the electron beam from the rf gun. We prepared a deformable mirror for spatial shaping, and a spatial light modulator based on fused-silica plates for temporal shaping. With a deformable mirror, we obtained an emittance of1.6<pi> mm mrad with beam energy of 28 MeV, holding its net charge to 0.1 nC/bunch. The both adaptive optics automatically optimize electron beam for lower emittance with a feedback routine.