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Arecchi, F.T.

Paper Title Page
THPP005 Stabilization of the Elettra Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser through a Delayed Feedback Control Method 455
  • E. Allaria, G. De Ninno
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  • A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli
    Universita di Firenze, Florence
  • F.T. Arecchi
    UNIFI, Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
  • R. Meucci
    INOA, Firenze

We numerically investigate the effect of a delayed control method on the stabilization of the dynamics of the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser in Trieste (Italy). Simulations give evidence of a significant reduction of the typical large oscillations of the laser intensity. Results are compared with numerical and experimental data obtained with a derivative feedback. The possibility of an experimental implementation of the proposed method is also discussed.