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Adams, B.W.

Paper Title Page
THOA004 Femtosecond Synchronism of X-Rays to Visible Light in an XFEL 430
  • B.W. Adams
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois

Funding: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under contract W-31-109-ENG-38

A way is proposed to obtain intense infrared/visible light from an electron bunch in an x-ray free-electron laser in femtosecond synchronism with the x-rays themselves. It combines the recently proposed technique of emittance slicing in a free-electron laser with transition undulator radiation (TUR). The part of the electron bunch that is left unspoiled in the emittance slicing process is the source of both coherent x-rays and of coherent TUR at near-infrared wavelengths. An extension of the concept also exploits the fact that the electrons that participate in the free-electron lasing process lose a significant part of their energy.