Tsunawaki, Y.
(Yoshiaki Tsunawaki)

THPOS16 Amplification of Short-Pulse Radiation from the Electron Undergoing Half-Cyclotron Rotation
Makoto R. Asakawa, H. Marusaki (OU-iFEL, Hirakata, Osaka), Kazo Imasaki (ILT, 2-6 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka), Nobuhisa Ohigashi (Kansai University, Osaka), Yoshiaki Tsunawaki (Osaka Sangyo University, Osaka)

Electrons undergoing half-cyclotron rotation emitts a half-cycle electromagnetic wave. A novel light source based on such short-pulse radiation is under developing at Institute of Free Electron Laser Osaka university. In this presentation, the experiments to amplify the radiation in the optical resonator will be discussed.