Quinn, M.
(Frances Quinn)

TUPOS47 Optical Systems for the Fourth Generation Light Source, 4GLS
Frances Quinn, Marion Bowler, Mike MacDonald, Mark Roper (CCLRC/DL/SRD, Warrington)

4GLS is a multi-user, multi-source facility proposed for construction at Daresbury Laboratory in the UK. By exploiting super-conducting linac technology with energy recovery, it will combine three free electron lasers and a range of conventional synchrotron radiation sources covering the THz to SXR region. The facility will provide femtosecond pulses at high repetition rate, with the FELs delivering GW power in the VUV and XUV region. This paper discusses the options and challenges for the optical systems associated with the suite of photon sources. The beamlines will need to operate both independently and in flexible, synchronised combinations. Together with the requirements for preserving the ultra-bright, fast pulse properties, this places unique demands on the design, layout and operational modes. The paper summarises current technical achievements and identifies the research and development necessary before detailed design of the 4GLS optical systems.