The 65th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e-
Colliders (eeFACT2022) was hosted by INFN Frascati National Laboratories on September 12-
16, 2022.
The workshop was organized in the context and with sponsoring of the ICFA Beam
Dynamics Panel and EU/IFAST funded European Network for Accelerator Performance and
Concepts (APEC), under GA 101004730. This is a bi-annual meeting, but due to the Covid-19
pandemic the 2020 edition had to be postponed.
Previous editions were held at Fermilab (2012), Beijing (2014), Daresbury (2016), Hong
Kong (2018).
The eeFACT workshop series scope is:
Reviewing and documenting the state of the art in e+e- factory design;
Reviewing and drawing lessons from SuperKEKB phase 3 commissioning;
Catalyzing further contributions to the SuperKEKB, FCC, CEPC & tau-charm design
Fostering synergies and new collaborations across communities, in particular with
low-emittance light sources and other colliders (muon, linear, e-ion) and between
Jointly developing novel solutions to outstanding problems.
The complete agenda can be found on the workshop website.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the workshop was organized in both in-person
and remote format. 112 delegates registered and 61% participated in person.
Topics were divided in 13 Working Groups, each assigned to 2 conveners, and the program
built accordingly. Two EXTRA sessions were organized after the Workshop, on Thursday 15th
afternoon and Friday 16th morning, to address the “Luminosity and Electrical power
projections for various e+e- Factories” topic. The total number of talks (including the EXTRA
sessions) was 105. However, only 67 abstracts were presented for the proceedings with 44
paper submissions. A list of the Working Group topics and conveners is shown in the table below.
WG | Convener | Topic |
1 | Levichev/Biagini | Overview of colliders (including muon & e-ion colliders) |
2 | Branchini/Dam | Physics & Detector |
3 | Oide/Gao | Optics & Beam Dynamics |
4 | Zobov/Zimmermann | Beam-beam & Instabilities |
5 | Boscolo/Sullivan | Interaction Region & MDI & Backgrounds |
6 | Seeman/Furukawa | Injection |
7 | Ikeda/Wendt | Instrumentation |
8 | Bogomyagkov/Gianfelice | Polarization and energy calibration |
9 | Kersevan/Shibata | Vacuum |
10 | Parker/Koop/Li | Magnets |
11 | Brunner/Rimmer | RF |
12 | Qin/Funakoshi | Infrastructures, Cryogenics, Commissioning & Operation |
13 | Faus-Golfe/Wenninger | Monochromatization |
The participating delegates per geographical area and per Institution are shown in the figure
below. Unfortunately Russian scientists could not be allowed to participate due to the conflict in
The Organizing Committee warmly thanks all participants for the interesting talks and
enthusiastic participation.