Author: Parker, B.
Paper Title Page
IR Magnets for e+e and Electron-Ion Colliders  
  • B. Parker
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Interaction Region (IR) magnets for e+e colliders such as BEPC-II at IHEP Beijing, SuperKEKB at KEK and the ILC in Japan and for Electron-Ion Colliders (EIC), such as HERA-II at DESY and the proposed colliders, eRHIC at BNL, JLEIC at JLab and LHeC/FCC-eH at CERN, must satisfy challenging contradictory requirements. Typically the superconducting IR magnets should be brought as close as possible to the collision point and this in turn requires designing compact coil structures housed in restricted space nearby or sometimes deep inside large experimental detector solenoids. The focusing provided for one beam species should not adversely impact the field seen by the other adjacent beam and accomplishing this can be especially challenging when the beams have quite different magnetic rigidities as occurs for B-factories and even more strongly for EICs. Experiment specific Machine Detector Interface (MDI) requirements also tend to drive IR magnet design choices for different projects. In this presentation we give examples of magnetic designs and technology choices representative of some past and future colliders.
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