Author: Milstein, A.I.
Paper Title Page
Low Energy Inverse Crossing e+e Collider for (Mu+Mu-) Bound State Production and Study  
  • A.V. Bogomyagkov, V.P. Druzhinin, E.B. Levichev, A.I. Milstein, S.V. Sinyatkin
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  From six leptonic atoms (e+e), (μ+e-), (μ+μ-), (τ+e-), (τ+μ-), (τ+τ-) only positronium (e+e) and muonium (μ+e-) were observed. Observation and study of dimuonium (μ+μ-) will test QED and quantum mechanics computations in the new regime. Dimuonium radius is 200 times smaller than positronium; therefore, it has a higher new-physics reach potential in comparison with other exotic atoms. We propose a low energy e+e collider for production of the not yet observed (μ+μ-) bound system. Low beam energy E(beam)=400 MeV and small circumference Π=30 m of the machine make it inexpensive to manufacture and operate. Large crossing angle (75 degrees)of e+e beams produces dimuonium with non-zero momentum shifting decay point from beams collision area and providing effective suppression of the main source of background – elastic e+e scattering. The peak luminosity at μ+μ- production threshold is 8×1031 cm-2s-1. Reversing one of the beams direction allows to study π± and η mesons with high luminosity.  
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