Author: Kobayashi, T.
Paper Title Page
TUPAB07 Commissioning of Positron Damping Ring and the Beam Transport for SuperKEKB 152
  • N. Iida, Y. Funakoshi, H. Ikeda, T. Ishibashi, H. Kaji, T. Kamitani, M. Kikuchi, T. Kobayashi, H. Koiso, F. Miyahara, T. Mori, Y. Ohnishi, Y. Seimiya, H. Sugimoto, H. Sugimura, R. Ueki, Y. Yano, D. Zhou
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The Positron Damping Ring (DR) for SuperKEKB successfully started its operation in February 2018, and the commissioning was continued until the end of SuperKEKB Phase 2 in July without serious troubles. This paper describes achievements of the beam commissioning of injection and extraction lines (LTR and RTL) between the LINAC and DR. In the LTR commissioning, the positron beam with high emittance, wide energy spread, and high charge were transported and injected into the DR. In the RTL commissioning, special cares were necessary to preserve the low emittance. The observed emittance growth in the RTL was not a problem for Phase 2, but it should be resolved in the coming Phase 3. In this paper, brief results of the commissioning of the DR is also reported.  
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About • paper received ※ 20 October 2018       paper accepted ※ 19 February 2019       issue date ※ 21 April 2019  
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WEYAA03 SRF System for KEKB and SuperKEKB 256
  • K. Nakanishi, T. Kobayashi, M. Nishiwaki
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Hirosawa
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  Eight superconducting accelerating cavities were operated for more than ten years at the KEKB. Commisioning operation of SuperKEKB is ongoing and those cavities are also used to accelerate the electron beam of 2.6 A. There are some issues to address the large beam current and to realize stable operation. One issue is a large HOM power of 37 kW expected to be induced in each cavity module. To cope with the HOM power issue, we have installed an additional HOM damper to the downstream of the cavity module. Another issue is degradation of Q values of the cavities during the ten years operation. Cause of the degradation was particle contamination. To clean the cavity surface, high pressure rinsing (HPR) is an effective way. Therefore we have developed a horizontal HPR. In this method, a nozzle for water jet is inserted horizontally into the cavity module without disassembly of the cavity. We applied the horizontal HPR to our degraded cavities. The RF performances of those cavities have been successfully recovered. In this report, present status of our cavity will be presented. Additionally, LLRF control issues for SuperKEKB will be introduced.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 October 2018       paper accepted ※ 19 February 2019       issue date ※ 21 April 2019  
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