Superconducting ECRIS

Paper Title Page
MOCO-A01 Recent Results and Operation at 18 GHz with SECRAL 1
  • H. W. Zhao, L. T. Sun
    IMP, Lanzhou
  An advanced superconducting ECR ion source SECRAL with 18GHz has been put into operation to provide highly charged heavy ion beams for HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou) cyclotron since May 2007. The paper will give an overview of recent operation status and test results for enhancing performance of the SECRAL ECR ion source. Detailed experimental results with an aluminium chamber, 14+18 GHz double frequency heating, emittance measurements, and bremsstrahlung measurements will be presented. Finally some upgrading program for SECRAL will be reported.  
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MOCO-A02 Status Report and Recent Developments with VENUS 2
  • D. Leitner, J. Y. Benitez, D. R. Dietderich, R. Hannaford, M. Leitner, C. M. Lyneis, S. Prestemon, D. S. Todd
    LBNL, Berkeley, California
  Since the superconducting ECR ion source VENUS started operation with 28 GHz microwave heating in 2004, it has produced record ion beam intensities such as 860 euA of Ar12+, 200 euA of U34+, or in respect to high charge state ions, 270 euA of Ar16+, 1 euA of Ar18+ and .4 euA of Xe42+. In August of 2006 VENUS has been connected to the 88-Inch Cyclotron as the third injector ion source extending the energy range and available heavy ion beam intensities from the cyclotron. This paper will highlight recent developments and results. In addition, the paper will give an update on the ongoing VENUS repair. Following an unexpected quench in January of 2008, the sextupole coils could not be energized. Most likely the quench was caused by the loss of liquid helium in the upper cryostat, which resulted in localized heating of the lead wire and consequent quenching. After opening the cryostat, it was found that one of the current carrying leads of the sextupole magnet was burned. The wire damage made it necessary to open the cold mass and extract the coil assembly for the repair. An update on the major undertaking of repairing the VENUS magnet and rebuilding the cryostat will be presented.  
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MOCO-B01 New 28 GHz SC-ECRIS for RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project 8
  • T. Nakagawa
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Saitama
  For RIKEN RI beam factory project, intense beam of U beam is strongly demanded. For this reason, we started to construct the new SC-ECRIS in 2007. Before construction, we intensively studied the effect of various parameters (magnetic field gas pressure etc) on the plasma. Based on these results, we designed new RIKEN SC-ECRIS for production of 15pmicroA of U35+. The Binj, Bext and Bmin are 4, 2.2 and 2.1 T, respectively. The plasma chamber size is 15cm in diameter and 55 cm in length, respectively. Main feature of this ECRIS is that we can control the magnetic field gradient at ECR zone, size of ECR zone, and mirror ratio with wide range using 6 sets of solenoid coils. The maximum ECR zone size will be 3~4 times as large as the conventional magnetic field configuration. We use the two JT+GM refrigerators to obtain enough cooling power (~10W at 4K) when using 28GHz microwaves. In June 2008, we make a first test experiment of the Sc-coils. In this contribution, we report the detailed design, results of the test experinet, and how to determine the magnetic field configuration and chamber size, etc, based on the basic studies of the ECR plasma.  
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MOCO-B03 Brightness Studies of the Ion Beams Produced by SUSI - The Source for Ions 14
  • P. A. Zavodszky, D. Cole, M. Doleans, G. Machicoane, F. Marti, X. Wu
    NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan
  Funding: Work supported by NSF under grant PHY-0110253 and by MSU.

We designed and constructed a new, completely superconducting Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) called SuSI, operating at 18+14.5 GHz microwave frequencies. Besides the increased intensities, this ECRIS was designed with several adjustable parameters in order to allow the optimization of the extracted ion beam brightness: magnetic field (axial magnetic peak position and magnitude, radial magnetic field magnitude), plasma chamber length, bias disc position and voltage, extraction electrode (puller) position and voltage and bias voltage on the beamline. The accelerated beam intensity out of the Coupled Cyclotron Facility is determined not only by the available ion beam intensity from the ECRIS but also by emittance of the ion beam and its proper match to the cyclotron acceptance. The emittance of the extracted ions was measured with an Allison-type emittance scanner. We will present the general performance of SuSI as well as results from beam studies on the influence of the tunable ion source parameters on the intensity and emittance of the extracted ion beams. Emphasis will be on the results for the medium charge states needed for the CCF operation.

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MOPO-13 Recent Development of 18 GHz Superconducting ECRIS at RCNP 96
  • T. Yorita, M. Fukuda, K. Hatanaka, M. Kibayashi, S. Morinobu, H. Okamura, A. Tamii
    RCNP, Osaka
  The upgrade program of the AVF cyclotron is in progress since 2004 at the cyclotron facility of the RCNP, Osaka Univ., in order to improve the quality, stability and intensity of accelerated beams. A 18 GHz superconducting ECRIS has also been installed to increase beam currents and to extend the variety of ions, especially for highly charged heavy ions which can be accelerated by RCNP cyclotrons. The mirror magnetic field is produced with four liquid-helium-free superconducting coils and the permanent magnet hexapole is of Halbach type with 24 pieces of NEOMAX-44H material. The production development of several ion beams has been performed since 2006. Operational tests for beam intensity optimization have been done for 12C, 16O, 18O, 15N, 40Ar, 86Kr and so on. The MIVOC method for Boron ions has been developed as well.  
MOPO-17 Operational Experience with the HTS-ECRIS, PKDELIS 107
  • G. Rodrigues, D. Kanjilal, P. Kumar, P. S. Lakshmy, A. Mandal
    IUAC, New Delhi
  The high temperature superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source (HTS-ECRIS), PKDELIS is in operation since June, 2004. The cryo-coolers have completed about 25000 hours of operation. There were some initial problems with one of the two cryo-coolers for the axial HTS coils, beam extraction and transmission systems at the intermediate location for test run. These were rectified subsequently. Proper X-ray shielding for safe operation were incorporated. X-ray Bremstrahlung measurements on the injection and extraction as a function of negative DC bias voltage are carried out systematically to develop deeper understanding of the ECR plasma production processes. A soft-landing system is developed for studies in charge exchange collisions and potential sputtering. The source and low energy beam transport (LEBT) system is planned to be re-installed on a high voltage platform in the new beam hall III to prepare for injection into high current injector of the superconducting linear accelerator. Recent results of the PKDELIS, operational experience and details of LEBT will be reported.