Paper | Title | Page |
MOCO-B02 | Continuous and Pulsed Operation of a Highly Efficient 18 GHz Plateau-ECRIS | 13 |
A highly efficient 18 GHz Plateau-ECRIS (PECRIS V) has been developed. The magnetic field on axis has a flat plateau-minimum. Together with a very strong permanent magnetic hexapole it creates a large resonance volume. In this resonance volume electrons are electron-cyclotron-resonance-heated more efficiently than in standard ECRIS and the maximum density of the plasma is obtained near the axis from where ions are primarily extracted. The plasma chamber is designed as a microwave resonator with specific end-plates to achieve high microwave amplitudes on the axis in spite of the low microwave power of <500 W. Up to 4 microwave frequencies have simultaneously been used. By the use of several frequencies at, above , and below the plateau, we become less sensitive on density variations in the plasma. We also present a technique for the extraction of intense short pulses of highly charged ions. This technique temporarily reduces the magnetic field on the extraction side and is an interesting alternative to the afterglow, in particular for the highest charge states. The design and the highly efficient operation of PECRIS V may thus serve as guideline for the future conceptions of ECRIS. | ||
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MOPO-23 | New Spindle Cusp ZERO-B Field for ECR Ion and Plasma Sources | 123 |
A traditional ECR ion source (ECRIS) or plasma source use magnetic min-B field for plasma containment and energizing electrons based on the principle of the ECR process. A cusp field produces modified min-B or zero-B field. A new cusp field configurations (CFC) with symmetric field at the cusp positions, corresponding to a given RF frequency confirming the standard model, is simulated to contain large volume high density plasma for producing beam for low or high charged ion. The magnetic field increases along and across the magnetic lines of force starting from zero at the centre and maximum value at the periphery. The cusp field with convex lines of force towards the plasma is ideal for confining it as drift of the particles take place either in the azimuth or towards the low field region at the centre. Non-adiabatic behaviour of electrons at the centre is either tackled by gas-dynamic confinement at high density or exploited to generate more secondary electrons. Confinement feature of the field is assessed by electron simulation. A new technically viable cusp ECRIS has a bright prospect ahead as it is simple, stable, compact and cost-effective compared to the traditional ECRIS. | ||
TUCO-A01 | Conceptual Design of a 56 GHz ECR Ion Source Magnet Structure | 127 |
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, OFfice of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Division of Nuclear Physics, US Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
The development of a 4th Generation ECR ion source, which could operate at 56 GHz twice that of 3rd Generation sources, presents several technical challenges.* The greatest challenge is to produce a magnet structure with sufficient field strength to adequately confine the plasma. A design study is underway to determine the feasibility and engineering issues associated with a magnet structure that could produce 8 T at injection, 6 T at extraction and 4 T radially. The initial analysis shows that peak fields in the superconductor would be roughly 12 to 14 T and this is above Bc2 for NbTi but less than Bc2 for Nb3Sn. We are evaluating two possible designs; the classic design, where the sextupole coils are places inside the solenoids and the inverted design where the sextupole is placed outside the solenoid magnets. The preliminary results of the ongoing study are being presented and discussed.
* Claude M Lyneis, D. Leitner, D. S. Todd, G. Sabbi, S. Prestemon, S Caspi and P. Ferracin, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 02A321 (2008) |
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