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MOPO-05 |
First Beam of the 2.45 GHz Versatile Ion Source (VIS) for High Power Proton Accelerators
72 |
- S. Gammino, L. Celona, F. Chines, G. Ciavola, G. Gallo, N. Gambino, F. Maimone, D. Mascali, R. Miracoli, S. Passarello
INFN/LNS, Catania
The Versatile Ion Source (VIS) is a permanent magnet version of the TRIPS source with a simplified and robust extraction system. It operates up to 80 kV without a bulky high voltage platform, producing multi-mA beams of protons and H2+. The description of the source design and the preliminary performance will be presented. An outline of the forthcoming developments is given, with particular care to the use of a low loss dc break and to the use of a travelling wave tube amplifier to get an optimum matching between the microwave generator and the plasma.
TUCO-B03 |
On the Observation of Standing Waves in Cylindrical Cavities Filled by Microwave Discharge and ECR Plasmas
140 |
- L. Celona, G. Ciavola, N. Gambino, S. Gammino, F. Maimone, D. Mascali, R. Miracoli
INFN/LNS, Catania
Experimental measurements of the scattering parameters carried out in microwave discharge and ECR ion sources will be hereinafter described. The details of different tests performed on a 14.5 GHz operating ECR ion source and on a plasma reactor operating at 2.45 GHz for enviromental purposes are reported. In particular this last device, equipped with a Langmuir probe, has been very useful to verify the presence of stationary waves and to study the electromagnetic wave propagation in plasmas. The evaluation of the Q factor with and without plasma and the determination of its variation with plasma density and temperature will be also presented.