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Bunch-by-Bunch Longitudinal Feedback System for PEP-II |
1616 |
- G. Oxoby, R. Claus, J. Fox, H. Hindi, J. Hoeflich, I. Linscott, J. Olsen, S. Perbhakar, L. Sapozhnikov (SLAC), A. Drago, M. Serio (INFN-LNF, Frascati), J. Corlett, G. Lamberson (LBNL)
Operation and Performance of a Longitudinal Damping System using Parallel Digital Signal Processing |
1619 |
- J. D. Fox, H. Hindi, I. Linscott, J. Olsen, G. Oxoby, L. Sapozhnikov, D. Teytelman (SLAC), A. Drago, M. Serio (INFN-LNF, Frascati), J. Byrd, J. Corlett (LBNL)
A Formal Approach to the Design of Multibunch Feedback Systems: LQG Controllers |
1622 |
- H. Hindi, J. Fox, I. Linscott, G. Oxoby, S. Prabhakar, L. Sapozhnikov, D. Teytelman (SLAC)