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CT09 Luminosity Optimization in DAΦNE coupling, diagnostics, feedback, synchrotron 82
  • F. Sannibale
    INFN-LNF, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, Italy
  DAΦNE the Frascati F-factory, started the two beams commissioning on March 1998. Since then a relevant amount of experience concerning the techniques and procedures for optimizing the luminosity has been acquired. All the schemes used are strongly based on the use of various diagnostic systems including a dedicated luminosity monitor, orbit measurement, tune monitor, synchrotron light monitor and others. A summary of the used techniques, with accent on the diagnostic aspects, is presented.  
CT10 Real Time Display of the Vertical Beam Sizes in LEP Using the BEXE X-Ray Detector and Fast VME Based Computers positron, electron, synchrotron, radiation 87
  • R. Jones, A. Manarin, G. Pignard, E. Rossa, H. Schmickler, M. Sillanoli, C. Surback
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Fast X-ray detectors based on CdTe photoconductors have been installed in LEP since the beginning of its operation in 1989. The angular divergence of the high energy photons from the synchrotron radiation (x-rays) and the narrow spacing of the 64 photoconductors of the detector allow a good measurement of vertical beam profiles down to an rms beam size of 300 mm. This paper presents some specific parameters and experimental results of an upgrade program in which the local processing power of the front-end electronics has been increased by a factor 50. Such a powerful tool has allowed a real time display of the time evolution of the vertical beam sizes. An online correlation plot between the electron and positron beam sizes (turn by turn) is also displayed. These online video images are available in the LEP control room and are used in daily operation for luminosity optimisation.  
PS13 Analysis of the proton beam in the DESY transport lines by video readout emittance, proton, background, vacuum 129
  • F. Solodovnik, T. Limberg, K. Wittenburg
    IHEP, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia
  Injection efficiency, beam optic matching and emittance preservation are very important parameters in achieving a high luminosity in large proton accelerators. We improved the analysing system of the phosphor screen readout of the proton transport lines in the accelerator chain of HERA with respect to the parameters above. The screens are read out by simple CCD video cameras. The signals are stored in local frame grabbers. An analogue output of the stored image is multiplexed and read-out by a fast PCI frame grabber card in a PC. The beam orbit and the beam emittance can be measured from each screen. A Visual Basic program is used to displays the trajectory and the envelope of the beam from a single transfer. The same program helps to drive bumps to achieve a proper steering through the line. The beam width can be measured from selected screens to calculate the emittance and other beam parameters including their errors. The read out and analysing system will be described and measurements will be shown.