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 5 - 7 May,  Mainz,  Germany

DIPAC2003 Proceedings
The Sixth DIPAC (the European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators) was organised by the "Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)", Darmstadt, the heavy ion research centre funded by the Federal Government of Germany and the state of Hesse. The Workshop from 4 to 7 May 2003 was held at Hilton Hotel in Mainz, directly located on the banks of the River Rhine, close to the 2000-year-old city centre. This series of Workshops serves as a forum for the exchange of the latest experiences, results and developments in the field of accelerator beam instrumentation in Europe and worldwide. More than 130 participants coming from 15 different countries attended the Workshop, among these only seven from USA but also three from South Korea. For the first time three fellowships could be given to young scientists from Egypt, Russia and Romania, sponsored by Julien Bergoz and GSI.

The Programme Committee organised an interesting agenda of 10 invited and 11 contributed talks, as well as 56 posters and three parallel discussion sessions. The talks were grouped into four 'regular' sessions containing invited and contributed talks on Monday morning, Tuesday noon and Wednesday afternoon. As a new idea three sessions including a 30 minutes discussion on Tuesday morning and afternoon, as well as on Wednesday morning were organized. These sessions contained invited and contributed satellite talks on linked subjects. The 30 minutes discussions with lively contributions from the audience were guided by the session chairmen, a new element in the program which emphasized the workshop character of the meeting. A visit of GSI's accelerator complex in Darmstadt on Monday afternoon and an industrial exhibition on Tuesday rounded off the Workshop. In addition, the social activities should be mentioned, the reception on Sunday evening as well as the famous banquet with live Jazz during a cruise on the River Rhine.
Session Index Proceedings_Volume full proceedings volume with all received papers, preface, photos, and authors' list as printed (completely hyperlinked) [~42Mb]
Authors Index
Keyword Index Proceedings_Volume (Pages 1) only first page of each document with direct hyperlink to complete paper [~10Mb]
Institute Index

Andreas Peters
Volker RW Schaa