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Tsakov, I.

Paper Title Page
PS21 Diagnostics for the Photon Injector Test Facility in Desy Zeuthen 154
  • J. Bähr, I. Bohnet, D. Lipka, H. Lüdecke, F. Stephan, Q. Zhao
    DESY-Zeuthen, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Zeuthen, Germany
  • K. Flöttmann
    DESY, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany
  • I. Tsakov
    NRNE, Institute for Nuclear Reseach and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
  A Photo Injector Test facility (PITZ) is under construction at DESY-Zeuthen. The aim is to develop and operate an optimized photo injector for future free electron lasers and linear accelerators. This concerns especially minimal transverse emittances and proper longitudinal phase space. The commissioning of the photo injector will take place in summer 2001. In the rst phase the energy of the produced electrons is about 5 MeV. A short description of the setup and beam parameters are given. Optimization of an electron gun is only possible based on an extended diagnostics system. The diagnostics system for the analysis of the transversal and longitudinal phase space will be described. It consists of a measurement system of the transversal emittance, a TV-based image measurement system, a streakcamera measurement facility, a spectrometer using a dipole magnet and further detectors. Problems of the measurement of the longitudinal phase space are discussed in detail.