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Søby, L.

Paper Title Page
PS04 Design of a Magnetic Quadrupole Pick-Up for the CERN PS 108
  • A. Jansson, L. Søby, D.J. Williams
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  A quadrupole pick-up is sensitive to the quantity σ2x - σ2y, where σx and σy are the horizontal and vertical r.m.s. beam sizes. Since it is a non-invasive device, it is potentially very useful for matching and emittance measurements. A magnetic quadrupole pick-up has been developed for the CERN PS. By coupling to the radial component of the magnetic field around the beam, it was possible to eliminate the common-mode problem, which is usually a limiting factor in the use of quadrupole pick-ups. This paper presents the final pick-up design, which is the result of a series of simulations and test prototypes. The performance of the pick-up and its associated electronics is discussed. Preliminary results from the two pick-ups recently installed in the PS machine are also presented.