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Satogata, T.

Paper Title Page
IT09 Overview of RHIC Beam Instrumentation and First Experience from Operation
Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
  • P. Cameron, P. Cerniglia, R. Connolly, J. Cupolo, C. Degen, K.A. Drees, D. Gassner, M. Kesselmann, R. Lee, T. Satogata, R. Sikora
    BNL, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
  A summary of the beam instrumentation tools in place during the year 2000 commissioning run is given including the technical layout and the appearance on the user level, here mainly the RHIC control room. Experience from rst usage is reported as well as the lessons we have learned during RHIC operation so far. Upgrades and changes compared to the year 2000 systems are outlined. Described tools include beam position monitors (BPM), ionization prole monitors (IPM), beam loss monitors (BLM), bunch current measurements, luminosity monitors, tune meters and Schottky monitors.