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Hüning, M.

Paper Title Page
IT12 Investigations of Longitudinal Charge Distribution in Very Short Electron-Bunches 56
  • M. Hüning
    RWTH-Aachen, III. Physik Institut, Aachen, Germany
  Electro-optical-sampling is a powerful technique to measure the longitudinal charge distribution of very short electron bunches. The electrical field moving with the bunch induces an optical an-isotropy in a ZnTe crystal which is probed by a polarized laser pulse. Two measurement principles are possible. In the first one a short laser pulse of lengths <50 fs is used directly to scan the time varying optical properties of the crystal. In the second method the laser pulse is frequency chirped and the temporal information is encoded into the time ordered frequency spectrum, which can be recovered by an optical grating and a CCD camera. A resolution in the 100 fs regime can also be achieved with longitudinal phase space tomography. Acceleration on the slope of the rf wave at different phases and measurements of the energy profiles are sufficient for a reconstruction algorithm based on maximum entropy methods. The longitudinal phase space distribution can be obtained without artifacts due to the limited angular range of the projections.