Paper | Title | Page |
MOA2I06 | Electron Cooling Status and Characterization at Fermilabs Recycler | 49 |
Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy FNALs electron cooler (4.3 MV, 0.1 A DC) has been integrated to the collider operation for almost two years, improving the storage and cooling capability of the Recycler ring (8 GeV antiprotons). In parallel, efforts are carried out to characterize the cooler and its cooling performance. This paper discusses various aspects of the cooler performance and operational functionality: high voltage stability of the accelerator (Pelletron), quality of the electron beam generated, operational procedures (off-axis cooling, electron beam energy measurements and calibration) and cooling properties (in the longitudinal and transverse directions). In particular, we show measurements of the friction force and cooling rates, which we compare to a non-magnetized model and conclude that the effective electron beam radius is smaller than expected. |
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