Paper | Title | Page |
MOA2I06 | Electron Cooling Status and Characterization at Fermilabs Recycler | 49 |
Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy FNALs electron cooler (4.3 MV, 0.1 A DC) has been integrated to the collider operation for almost two years, improving the storage and cooling capability of the Recycler ring (8 GeV antiprotons). In parallel, efforts are carried out to characterize the cooler and its cooling performance. This paper discusses various aspects of the cooler performance and operational functionality: high voltage stability of the accelerator (Pelletron), quality of the electron beam generated, operational procedures (off-axis cooling, electron beam energy measurements and calibration) and cooling properties (in the longitudinal and transverse directions). In particular, we show measurements of the friction force and cooling rates, which we compare to a non-magnetized model and conclude that the effective electron beam radius is smaller than expected. |
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THAP06 | Cooling in a Compound Bucket | 171 |
Funding: FNAL is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy. Presently antiprotons in Fermilabs Recycler ring are stored between rectangular RF barriers and are cooled both by a stochastic cooling system in full duty-cycle mode and by a DC electron beam. Electron cooling creates correlation between longitudinal and transverse tails of the antiproton distribution because particles with large transverse actions are cooled much more slowly than the core ones. Introducing additional RF barriers of lower amplitude allows separating spatially (along the bunch) the core and the tail. In this scenario, stochastic cooling can be gated to the tail, i.e. applied with a high gain to the low-density region and turned off for the core portion of the beam. This significantly increases the cooling rate of the tail particles, while the temperature of the core is preserved by electron cooling. In this paper, we will describe the procedure and first experimental results in detail. |
THAP08 | Electron Cooling in the Recycler Cooler | 175 |
Funding: FNAL is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy. A 0.1-0.5 A, 4.3 MeV DC electron beam provides cooling of 8 GeV antiprotons in Fermilab's Recycler storage ring. Properties of electron cooling have been characterized in measurements of the drag force, cooling rates, and equilibrium distributions. The paper will report experimental results and compare them with modeling by BETACOOL code. |
THAP09 | Beam-based Field Alignment of the Cooling Solenoids for Fermilabs Electron Cooler | 179 |
Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy The cooling section of FNALs electron cooler is composed of ten (10) 2 m-long, 105 G solenoids. When FNALs electron cooler (4.3 MeV, 0.1 A DC) was first install at the Recycler ring, the magnetic field of the cooling solenoid was carefully measured and compensated to attain the field quality necessary for effective cooling [V. Tupikov et al. COOL05]. However, the tunnel ground motion deteriorates the field quality perceived by the beam over time. We have developed a technique which uses the cooling strength as an indication of the relative field quality and allowing us to re-align the longitudinal magnetic field in the successive solenoids of the cooling section assuming that the transverse component of the field in each solenoid has not varied. |