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THBY01 |
Acceleration of Intense Beams of Highly-Charged Ions using Direct Plasma Injection Scheme
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- A. Kondrashev
ITEP, Moscow
- R. A. Jameson, M. Okamura
RIKEN, Saitama
- T. Kanesue
Kyushu University, Fukuoka
- H. Kashiwagi
JAEA/ARTC, Gunma-ken
- K. Sakakibara
RLNR, Tokyo
- J. Tamura
TIT, Yokohama
Laser Ion Source (LIS) is the most intense source of highly-charged ions capable to provide beams with current 10 / 100 mA and pulse durations 1 / 10 μs. Such parameters well meet requirements of single turn injection into synchrotron rings and FFAG. Few years ago Direct Plasma Injection Scheme (DPIS) was proposed to extract and accelerate intense ion beams from laser induced plasma. By this approach extraction of ions happens almost inside first acceleration cell of RFQ, eliminating severe space charge problems in LEBT and LEBT itself. About 35 mA of 12C4+ ions and 17 mA of 12C6+ ions were accelerated by RFQ up to 100 keV/u using DPIS. Amplitude of total current of carbon ions is equal to 60 mA. The latest results on 27Al and 56Fe ions acceleration using DPIS are presented. The results obtained show that DPIS is, probably, the best choice as a high current injector of highly-charged ions for FFAG.
THBY02 |
Present status of POP experiment of lasaer stripping at BNL
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The present status of the POP experiment of laser stripping via a broad Stark state using BNL 200 MeV H- beam is presented. First, we will briefly review the original motivation of experiment and the plan of experimental procedure. Then, we will show the experimental setup that has been completed in the BNL REF tunnel and talk about the first beam time we had in the last June. Finally, our plan of improvement for experimental setup and next beam time will be shown.