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TUBY05 |
156 |
- J. Rodnizki, D. Berkovits, K. Lavie, A. Shor, Y. Yanai
Soreq NRC, Yavne
The beam dynamic simulation of the SARAF 40 MeV, 4 mA deuteron beam superconducting linac is extended in this work to 90 MeV for the EURISOL driver. It is designed for a high energy gain gradient with a moderate emittance growth, based on an end-to-end 3D simulation using a detailed 40 k macro particles distribution at the RFQ exit. The linac consists of 84 superconducting HWRs and one superconducting solenoid per two HWRs. The result average energy gain is 2.0 MeV/m. At the linac first cryomodule, where the mismatch is high, the emittance growth is controlled by considering the bunch acceleration phase at each of the HWR coupled acceleration gaps.