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TUBX05 |
Cures for beam instabilities in the CERN SPS and their limitations
153 |
- E. N. Shaposhnikova
CERN, Geneva
The LHC beam in the SPS is unstable with a threshold almost an order of magnitude below the nominal intensity. The cures used to stabilise this beam against coupled bunch instabilities apart from beam feedback, feed-forward and longitudinal damping, include a fourth harmonic RF system and controlled emittance blow-up. The limitations of the two last methods were studied experimentally and are analysed here from the point of view of beam quality requirements at extraction and future intensity increases up to ultimate value.
FRAP08 |
Summary of General Working Group A+B+D with a Focus on Code Benchmarking
379 |
- J. Wei
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
- I. Hofmann
GSI, Darmstadt
- E. N. Shaposhnikova, F. Zimmermann
CERN, Geneva