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TUBZ01 |
The Beam Diagnostics System for J-PARC Synchrotrons
128 |
- N. Hayashi, S. H. Hiroki, K. Satou, R. Toyokawa
JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
- D. A. Arakawa, Y. Hashimoto, S. Lee, T. Miura, T. Toyama
KEK, Ibaraki
The beam diagnostics system for J-PARC synchrotrons (RCS and MR) will be presented. The design of the system will be described for high current machines. Some test results will be reported.
WEBX02 |
Observation of Emittance Growth at the injection in the KEK PS Main Ring
250 |
- S. Igarashi, T. Miura, E. Nakamura, Y. Shimosaki, M. J. Shirakata, K. Takayama, T. Toyama
KEK, Ibaraki
We have been studying the emittance growth and beam loss mechanism during the injection period of the 12 GeV main ring of the KEK proton synchrotron to achieve higher intensity. The typical beam loss is about 30 % during the injection period of 500 milliseconds for the high intensity operation. Measurement of the transverse beam profiles using flying wires has revealed a characteristic temporal change of the beam profile within a few milliseconds after the injection. Horizontal emittance growth was observed when the horizontal tune was close to the integer. The effect was more enhanced for higher beam intensity and could not be explained with the injection mismatch. A resonance created by the space charge field was the cause of the emittance growth. A multiparticle tracking simulation program, ACCSIM, taking account of space charge effects has successfully reproduced the beam profiles.