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TUAY02 |
End-to-end beam dynamics for CERN Linac4
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- A. M. Lombardi, G. Bellodi, J.-B. Lallement, S. Lanzone, E. Zh. Sargsyan
CERN, Geneva
- M. A. Baylac
LPSC, Grenoble
- R. Duperrier, D. Uriot
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
LINAC 4 is a normal conducting H- linac which aims to intensify the proton flux available for the CERN accelerator complex. This injector is designed to accelerate a 65 mA beam of H- ions up to 160 MeV for injection into the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster. The acceleration is done in three stages : up to 3 MeV with a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (the IPHI RFQ) operating at at 352 MHz, then continued to 90 MeV with drift-tube structures at 352 MHz (conventional Alvarez and Cell Coupled Drift Tube Linac) and, finally, with a Side Coupled Linac at 700MHz. The accelerator is completed by a chopper line at 3 MeV and a transport and matching line to the PS booster. After the overall layout was determined based on general consideration of beam dynamics and RF, a global optimisation based on end-to-end simulation has refined some design choices. The results and lessons learned from the end-to-end simulations are reported in this paper.
WEBX04 |
Measurement strategy for the CERN Linac4 Chopper-line
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- J.-B. Lallement, K. Hanke, H. Hori, A. M. Lombardi, E. Zh. Sargsyan
CERN, Geneva
Linac4 is a new accelerator under study at CERN. It is designed to accelerate H- ions to 160 MeV of energy, for injection into the existing Proton Synchrotron Booster. The low energy section, comprising an H- ion source, a 352 MHz Radio Frequency Quadrupole and a 3 MeV chopper line will be assembled at CERN in the next years. Linac 4 is also designed as an injector for the SPL, a high power proton driver delivering 5MW at 3.5 GeV. In this case the beam losses must be limited to 1 W/m and therefore the formation of transverse and longitudinal halo at low energy becomes a critical issue which has to be measured and controlled. The chopper-line is composed of 11 quadrupoles, 3 bunchers and the chopper itself. Its beam dynamics will be characterized with specific detectors and diagnostic lines. In particular the transverse and longitudinal halo will be measured by a Beam Shape and Halo Monitor (BSHM) with a sensitivity of 10.000 particles per bunch and a time resolution of 2ns. In this paper we present the simulation work in preparation for the measurement campaign scheduled in 2008.