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THBZ02 |
Commissioning strategies for J-PARC linac and L3BT
347 |
- M. Ikegami, S. Lee
KEK, Ibaraki
- Y. Kondo, T. Ohkawa
JAEA, Ibaraki-ken
- A. Ueno
JAEA/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
We plan to start the beam commissioning of J-PARC linac with reduced energy of 181 MeV in the end of this year. Detailed commissioning strategies for the linac and the succeeding beam transport line, to which we refer as L3BT or Linac-to-3-GeV-synchrotron Beam Transport, will be presented in this talk. The emphasis will be put on the commissioning procedures for two debuncher cavities and a transverse collimator system located in L3BT, because they are key elements in determining the final beam quality at the injection point to the succeeding 3-GeV synchrotron. The unique design and features of the collimator system are also presented.