Author: Krämer, J.M.
Paper Title Page
TUPRO044 Bunch Compression of the Low-energy ELBE Electron Beam for Super-radiant THz Sources 1123
  • U. Lehnert, P. Michel, R. Schurig
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  • A.A. Aksoy
    Ankara University, Accelerator Technologies Institute, Golbasi / Ankara, Turkey
  • P.E. Evtushenko
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • J.M. Krämer
    Danfysik A/S, Taastrup, Denmark
  At the ELBE radiation source two super-radiant THz sources, a broad-band trasnsition/diffraction radiation source and a planar undulator narrow-band sourc are under commissioning. At present the facility is driven from the ELBE linac with a CW electron beam of 100kHz repetition rate and up to 100pC of bunch charge. With the upgraded SRF electron gun bunch charges up to 1nC will become available. For the beam energies in the 20-30 MeV range buch compression into the sub-200 fs range becomes a major challenge. We present beam dynamics calculation of the attempted bunch compression scheme as well as first measurements obtained during the commissioning.  
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THPRO055 Electron Beam Final Focus System for Thomson Scattering at ELBE 2995
  • J.M. Krämer, F. Bødker, A. Baurichter, M. Budde
    Danfysik A/S, Taastrup, Denmark
  • A. Irman, U. Schramm
    Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Institute of Radiation Physics, Dresden, Germany
  • U. Lehnert, P. Michel
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  Funding: This work is part of LA3NET and funded by European Commission under Grant Agreement Number 289191.
The design of an electron beam Final Focus System (FFS) aiming for high-flux laser-Thomson backscattering x-ray sources at ELBE* is presented. A telescope system consisting of four permanent magnet based quadrupoles was found to have significantly less chromatic aberrations than a quadrupole triplet. This allows sub-ps electron beam focusing to match the laser spot size at the interaction point. Focusing properties like the position of the focal plane and the spot size are retained for electron beam energies between 20 and 30 MeV by adjusting the position of the quadrupoles individually on a motorized stage. Since the electron beam is chirped for bunch compression upstream, the rms energy spread is increased to one or two percent and second order chromatic effects must be taken into account. For an emittance of 13 pi mm mrad, we predict rms spot sizes of about 40 um and divergences of about 15 mrad. We also present the design of the permanent magnet quadrupoles to be used for the FFS. Ferromagnetic poles ensure a high field quality and adjustable shunts allow for fine adjustment of the field strength and compensation of deviations in the permanent magnet material.
*A. Jochmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 114803
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