Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEC015 | Single-pass Beam Measurements for the Verification of the LHC Magnetic Model | 489 |
During the 2009 LHC injection tests, the polarities and effects of specific quadrupole and higher-order magnetic circuits were investigated. A set of magnet circuits had been selected for detailed investigation based on a number of criteria. On or off-momentum difference trajectories launched via appropriate orbit correctors for varying strength settings of the magnet circuits under study - e.g. main, trim and skew quadrupoles; sextupole families and spool piece correctors; skew sextupoles, octupoles - were compared with predictions from various optics models. These comparisons allowed confirming or updating the relative polarity conventions used in the optics model and the accelerator control system, as well as verifying the correct powering and assignment of magnet families. Results from measurements in several LHC sectors are presented. |
MOPEC016 | Interaction of Macro-Particles with the LHC Proton Beam | 492 |
We study the interaction of macro-particles residing inside the LHC vacuum chamber, e.g. soot or thermal-insulation fragments, with the circulating LHC proton beam. The coupled equations governing the motion and charging rate of metallic or dielectric micron-size macro-particles are solved numerically to determine the time spent by such "dust" particles close to the path of the beam as well as the resulting proton-beam losses, which could lead to a quench of superconducting magnets and, thereby, to a premature beam abort. |
MOPEC037 | High Beta Operation Scenarios for Crab Cavities in the Insertion Region 4 of the CERN Large Hadron Collider | 540 |
IR4 is a potential candidate for the installation of crab cavities in the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In this paper we present several operational scenarios in which the effect of the kick imparted by the cavity is enhanced by performing a dynamic unsqueeze of the beta function at collision energy. Linear optics, power supply requirements, beam aperture and finally potential luminosity increase studies will be discussed in order to rank and assess the feasibility of the various options. |
TUOAMH02 | LHC Crab-cavity Aspects and Strategy | 1240 |
The 3rd LHC Crab Cavity workshop (LHC-CC09) took place at CERN in October 2009. It reviewed the current status and identified a clear strategy towards a future crab-cavity implementation. Following the success of crab cavities in KEK-B and the strong potential for luminosity gain and leveling, CERN will pursue crab crossing for the LHC upgrade. We present the summaries of the various workshop sessions which have led to the LHC crab-cavity strategy, covering topics like layout, cryomodule design, construction, integration, validation, and planning. |
TUPEB037 | Interaction-Region Design Options for a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1605 |
In a linac-ring electron-proton collider based on the LHC ("LR-LHeC"), the final focusing quadrupoles for the electron beam can be installed far from the collision point, as far away as the proton final triplet (e.g. 23 m) if not further, thanks to the small electron-beam emittance. The inner free space could either be fully donated to the particle-physics detector, or accommodate "slim" dipole magnets providing head-on collisions of electron and proton bunches. We present example layouts for either scenario considering electron beam energies of 60 and 140 GeV, and we discuss the optics for both proton and electron beams, the implied minimum beam-pipe dimensions, possible design parameters of the innermost proton and electron magnets, the corresponding detector acceptance, the synchrotron radiation power and its possible shielding or deflection, constraints from long-range beam-beam interactions as well as from the LHC proton-proton collision points and from the rest of the LHC ring, the passage of the second proton beam, and the minimum beta* for the colliding protons. |
TUPEB038 | Nonlinear Dynamics Induced by 1-D Model of Pinched Electron Cloud | 1608 |
The presence of an electron cloud in an accelerator generates a number of interesting phenomena. In addition to electron-driven beam instabilities, the electron "pinch" occurring during a beam-bunch passage gives rise to a highly nonlinear force experienced by individual beam particles. A simple 1-dimensional model for the effect of the electron pinch on the beam reveals a surprisingly rich dynamics. We present the model and discuss simulation results. |
TUPEB039 | Designs for a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1611 |
We consider three different scenarios for the recirculating electron linear accelerator (RLA) of a linac-ring type electron-proton collider based on the LHC (LHeC): i) a basic version consisting of a 60 GeV pulsed, 1.5 km long linac, ii) a higher luminosity configuration with a 60 GeV 4 km long cw energy-recovery linac (ERL), and iii) a high energy option using a 140 GeV pulsed linac of 4 km active length. This paper describes the footprint, optics of linac and return arcs, emittance growth from chromaticity and synchrotron radiation, a set of parameters, and the performance reach for the three scenarios. |
TUPEB043 | Deflecting Synchrotron Radiation from the Interaction Region of a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1623 |
In a linac-ring electron-proton collider based on the LHC, before and after the collision point the electron beam can be deflected with weak dipole magnets positioned in front of the superconducting final quadrupole triplets of the 7-TeV proton beam. Significant synchrotron radiation may be produced when the electron beam, of energy 60-140 GeV, passes through these dipole magnets. As an alternative or complement to shielding, parts of the synchrotron radiation could be extracted together with the electron beam. We propose using mirrors with shallow grazing angle to deflect the synchrotron radiation away from the proton magnets. Various LHeC options are considered. Limitations and challenges of this approach are discussed. |
TUOAMH01 | First Cleaning with LHC Collimators | 1237 |
The LHC has two dedicated cleaning insertions: IR3 for momentum cleaning and IR7 for betatron cleaning. The collimation system has been specified and built with tight mechanical tolerances (e.g. jaw flatness ~ 40 μm) and is designed to achieve a high accuracy and reproducibility of the jaw positions. The practically achievable cleaning efficiency of the present Phase-I system depends on the precision of the jaw centering around the beam, the accuracy of the gap size and the jaw parallelism against the beam. The reproducibility and stability of the system is important to avoid the frequent repetition of beam based alignment which is currently a lengthy procedure. Within this paper we describe the method used for the beam based alignment of the LHC collimation system, its achieved accuracy and stability and its performance at 450GeV. |
THPD011 | Lattice Design for the LHeC Recirculating Linac | 4298 |
In this paper, we present a lattice design for the Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) recirculating Linac. The recirculating Linac consists of one roughly 3km long linac hosting superconducting RF (SRF) accelerating cavities, two arcs and one transfer line for the recirculation. Electron beam will have two passes in the SRF linac to get a maximum energy of 140 GeV, or have four passes with a maximum energy of 60 GeV (two for acceleration and two for deceleration) in the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) option. |
THPD012 | Preliminary Study on Emittance Growth in the LHeC Recirculating Linac | 4301 |
In this paper, we estimate the emittance growth in the LHeC recirculating Linac, the lattice design of which is presented in another paper of IPAC10 proceedings. The possible sources for emittance growth included here are: energy spread from RF acceleration in the SRF (superconducting RF) linac plus large chromatic effects from the lattice, synchrotron radiation (SR) fluctuations in the recirculating arcs. 6-D multi-particle tracking is launched to calculate the emittance from the statistical point of view. The simulation results are also compared with a theoretical estimation. |
THPD050 | A Proposed Experiment on the Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration | 4392 |
Proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration holds promise to accelerate a bunch of electrons to the energy frontier in a single acceleration channel. To verify this novel idea, a demonstration experiment is now being planned. The idea is to use the high energy proton bunches from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN, to shoot them into a plasma cell and drive large amplitude of plasma wake. The interactions between the plasma and protons are simulated and the results are presented in this paper. |
WEPE041 | A Superconducting Magnet Upgrade of the ATF2 Final Focus | 3440 |
The KEK ATF2 facility, with a well instrumented beam line and Final Focus (FF), is a proving ground for linear collider (LC) technology to demonstrate the extreme beam demagnification and spot stability needed for a LC FF*. ATF2 uses water cooled magnets but the baseline ILC calls for a superconducting FF**. Thus we plan to replace some ATF2 FF magnets with superconducting ones made via direct wind construction as planned for the ILC. With no cryogenic supply at ATF2, we look to cool magnets and current leads with a few cryocoolers. ATF2 FF coil winding is underway at BNL and production warm magnetic measurements indicate good field quality. Having FF magnets with larger aperture and better field quality than present FF might allow reducing the beta function at the FF for study of focusing regimes relevant to CLIC. Our ATF2 magnet cryostat will have laser view ports for cold mass movement measurement and FF support and stabilization requirements under study. We plan to make stability measurements at BNL and KEK to relate ATF2 FF magnet performance to that of a full length ILC R&D prototype at BNL. We want to be able to predict LC FF performance with confidence. * ATF2 proposal, volumes 1 and 2 at |