Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEB012 | Optics Measurement at the Interaction Point using Nearby Position Monitors in KEKB | 1539 |
Optics parameters at the interaction point, beta, x-y coupling, dispersion and their chromatic aberrations, seriously affect the beam-beam performance as is shown in experiments and simulations. The control of the optics parameters is essential to maintain the high luminosity in KEKB. They drift day by day, or before and after the beam abort. They were often monitored at intervals of the operation with taking the study time. They are recently measured during the physics run using a pilot bunch without collision. We show the measured the optics parameters and their variations and discuss the relation to the luminosity. |
TUPEB017 | Effects of Linear and Chromatic X-Y Couplings in the SuperKEKB | 1551 |
Using a weak-strong beam-beam code, in which the symplectic maps for the linear coupling and chromatic aberrations were implemented, the luminosity degradation caused by the linear and chromatic X-Y couplings at the interaction point (IP) were evaluated for the SuperKEKB project under design. The linear and chromatic X-Y couplings were estimated through modeling the machine errors using random seeds, based on a baseline design of the SuperKEKB rings. It was found that the linear and chromatic X-Y couplings can potentially degrade the luminosity performance. |
TUPEB018 | CSR in the SuperKEKB Damping Ring | 1554 |
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is generated when a bunched beam traverses a dipole magnet or a wiggler/undulator. It can degrade the beam quality in both storage rings and linacs through enhancing the beam energy spread and lengthening the bunch length, even cause single-bunch microwave instabilities. Using several methods, CSR impedances in the positron damping ring (DR) of the SuperKEKB which is under design were calculated. From the impedances due to CSR, resistive wall and various vacuum components, quasi-Green function wake potentials were constructed and used in simulations of Particle-In-Cell (PIC) tracking. We present the CSR related results in this paper. |
TUPEB054 | Design of Positron Damping Ring for Super-KEKB | 1641 |
Super-KEKB, an upgrade plan of the present KEKB collider, has recently changed its scheme from 'high current' option to 'nano-beam' scheme. In the latter the current is relatively low(4A/2.3A for LER/HER ring) compared to that of the high-current option(9.4A/4.1A), while the vertical beam size is squeezed to 60 nm at the interaction point to get the high luminosity. The emittance of the injected beam should be low and, since the Tousheck lifetime is very short(600 sec), the intensity of the positron beam is as high as 8 nC/pulse. For the electron beam a low-emittance high-intensity RF gun is adopted. For the positron beam a damping ring has been proposed. The design of the damping ring has been performed for the high-current option*. In this paper an updated design for the nano-beam scheme is presented. * Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 556 (2006) 13-19 |
WEOAMH02 | Recent Progress of KEKB | 2372 |
KEKB is an e-/e+ collider for the study of B physics and is also used for machine studies for future machines. The peak luminosity of KEKB, which is the world-highest value, has been still increasing. This report summarizes recent progress at KEKB. |
THPD091 | Explicit Maps for the Fringe Field of a Quadrupole | 4500 |
A perturbation method based on Lie technique, originated by J. Irwin and C.-x. Wang, was extended to calculate the linear maps for the fringe field of a quadrupole. In our method, the fringe field shape is not necessarily anti-symmetric with respect to the hard-edge position. The linear maps were explicitly expressed as functions of fringe field integrals. Thus they can be used to assess the influence of the quadrupole fringe fields in beam dynamics. |