Paper | Title | Page |
MOPD056 | The Mechanical Engineering Design of the FETS RFQ | 810 |
This paper will present the mechanical engineering design for a 324 MHz 4-vane RFQ, which has been developed for the Front End Test Stand (FETS) project based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK. The design criteria will be discussed along with particular design features of the RFQ including the tuners, vacuum ports, main body cooling pocket design and the support / alignment structure. Different techniques for creating the RF and vacuum seal between major and minor vanes are also discussed. |
MOPEC075 | Status of the RAL Front End Test Stand | 642 |
The Front End Test Stand (FETS) under construction at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is the UK's contribution to research into the next generation of High Power Proton Accelerators (HPPAs). HPPAs are an essential part of any future Spallation Neutron Source, Neutrino Factory, Muon Collider, Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System, Waste Transmuter etc. FETS will demonstrate a high quality, high intensity, chopped H-minus beam and is a collaboration between RAL, Imperial College and the Universtity of Warwick in the UK and the Universidad del Pais Vasco in Spain. This paper describes the current status and future plans of FETS. |