Paper | Title | Page |
THPEB030 | Stripping Foil Issues for H- Injection into the CERN PSB at 160 MeV | 3951 |
Beam physics considerations for the stripping foil of the 160 MeV PSB H- injection system are described, including the arguments for the foil type, thickness, geometry and positioning. The foil performance considerations are described, including expected stripping efficiency, emittance growth, energy straggling, temperature and lifetime. The different beam loss mechanisms are quantified in the context of the aperture limits, operational considerations and collimation requirements. |
THPEC083 | Dump and Current Measurement of Unstripped H- Ions at the Injection from the CERN LINAC4 into the PS Booster | 4249 |
Linac4 is the new H- linear accelerator under construction at CERN aiming to double the brightness of the beam injected to the CERN PS Booster (PSB) for delivering proton beams to experiments or further CERN accelerators, down to the LHC. The injection system in the PSB is based on the H- charge exchange where the 160 MeV H- beam is converted into an H+ beam by stripping the electrons with a carbon foil. A beam dump located inside a pulsed magnet for the injection bump will intercept the unstripped ions (H0 and H-) and measure the collected charge to detect the relative efficiency and degradation of the stripping foil. The challenge of the dump design is to meet the requirements of a beam dump providing a current measurement and at the same time minimizing the perturbation of the magnetic field of the surrounding pulsed magnet. This paper describes all phases of the dump design and the main issues related to its integration in the line. |