Paper | Title | Page |
MOPEB013 | LEBT with Hybrid Magnets in a Proton Linac for Compact Neutron Source | 304 |
A compact neutron source using Li(p,n) or Be(p,n) reaction is proposed. The proton linac consists of ECR ion source, LEBT(Low Energy Beam Transport), RFQ linac and post accelerator. We assume that energy of the proton beam is 3MeV and its peak current is 40 mA operated at the repetition rate is 25Hz with the pulse width of 1ms. The beam from the ion source should be matched to the RFQ, where solenoid coils can handle the large current beam in this LEBT section. To reduce energy consumption in LEBT we're trying to design the Hybrid Electromagnet that consists of solenoid coils and permanent magnets. We use PANDIRA, TRACE-2D, and PBGUNS computer codes in order to simulate the magnetic field and the beam transport through LEBT. In this paper the design of this magnet and the result of its beam matching based on simulation will be presented. |
MOPEC086 | Development of Very Small ECR H+ Ion Source | 663 |
We aim to develop a small and high intensity proton source for a compact accelerator based neutron source. Because this proton source shall be located close to RFQ for simplification, ratio of H+ to molecular ions such as H2+ or H3+ must be large. Therefore, we selected an ECR ion source with permanent magnets as small and high intensity ion source. ECR ion sources can provide high H+ ratio because of their high plasma temperature. Using permanent magnets makes the ion source small and running cost low. Because there is no hot cathode, longer MTBF is expected. Usually, gas is fed into ion sources continuously, even if ion sources run in pulse operation mode. But, continuous gas flow doesn't make vacuum in good level. So, we decided to install pulse gas valve directly to the plasma chamber. Feeding the gas only when the ion source is in operation reduces the gas load to the evacuation system and the vacuum level can be kept high. Up to now, we developed the first and second model of the ion source. And the research is being conducted using the second model. Recent experimental results will be presented. |
WEPE017 | Beam Test Plan of Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Lens at ATF2 | 3380 |
A prototype of a permanent magnet quadrupole lens for ILC final focus doublet is fabricated. In order to demonstrate the feasibility, it will be tested in a real beam line. Such practical experiences include its shipping, storage, handling, installation, alignment technique, and so on. Because permanent magnets cannot be switched off in contradistinction to electromagnets, they should be evacuated from beam lines when no interference is desired and the process should be quick with enough reproducibility. The magnetic center and strength stability including reproducibility are also important issues during the beam test. In order to reduce interferences with current ongoing testing items at ATF2, the magnet will be installed at a further upstream position of the ATF2 beam line. The installation and test plan will be described. |