Paper | Title | Page |
TUPEC029 | Comparison between Hexaboride Materials for Thermionic Cathode RF Gun | 1782 |
RF gun has been chosen as injector for Kyoto University free electron laser because it can potentially produce an electron beam with high energy, small emittance, moreover inexpensive and compact configuration in comparison with other injectors. As for the RF gun cathode, thermionic cathode is simpler, easier to treat and reliable than photocathode. On the other hand, backbombardment electrons make cathode surface temperature and current density increase within the macropulse, as a result, beam energy and macropulse duration decrease, which means, it is difficult to generate stable FEL. The heating property of cathode not only depends on physical properties of the cathode material such as work function, but also backbombardment electrons energy. We investigated the heating property of six hexaboride materials against the backbombarding electrons by numerical calculation of the range and stopping power. In this investigation, the emission property of the cathode was also taken into account, since high electron emission is required for generation of high brightness electron beam. The results will be discussed. |
TUPE028 | Status of the MIR FEL Facility in Kyoto University | 2203 |
A mid-infrared free electron laser (MIR FEL) facility has been constructed for the basic research on energy materials in the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University. The MIR FEL saturation at 13.2 μm was observed in May 2008, and the construction of the FEL delivery system from accelerator room to the optical diagnostic station and experimental stations has been finished in Dec. 2009. In the conference, optical properties of the MIR FEL and research program using MIR-FEL will be introduced. |