Paper | Title | Page |
MOOCRA01 | The Magnetic Model of the LHC in the Early Phase of Beam Commissioning | 55 |
The relation between field and current in each family of the Large Hadron Collider magnets is modeled with a set of empirical equations (FiDeL) whose free parameters are fitted on magnetic measurements. They take into account of residual magnetization, persistent currents, hysteresis, saturation, decay and snapback during initial part of the ramp. Here we give a first summary of the reconstruction of the magnetic field properties based on the beam observables (orbit, tune, coupling, chromaticity) and a comparison with the expectations based on the large set of magnetic measurements carried out during the 5-years-long production. The most critical issues for the machine performance in terms of knowledge of the relation magnetic field vs current are pinned out. |
MOPEC010 | LHC Aperture Measurements | 477 |
The mechanical aperture of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a critical parameter for the operation of the machine due to the high stored beam intensities in the superconducting environment. Betatron and momentum apertures must be therefore precisely measured and optimized. In this paper, we present the results of beam-based measurements of the LHC aperture. The experimental results are compared with the expectations from the as-built model of the LHC aperture, taking into account the optics imperfections of the superconducting magnets. The impact of these measurements on various aspects of the LHC operation are also discussed. |
MOPEC015 | Single-pass Beam Measurements for the Verification of the LHC Magnetic Model | 489 |
During the 2009 LHC injection tests, the polarities and effects of specific quadrupole and higher-order magnetic circuits were investigated. A set of magnet circuits had been selected for detailed investigation based on a number of criteria. On or off-momentum difference trajectories launched via appropriate orbit correctors for varying strength settings of the magnet circuits under study - e.g. main, trim and skew quadrupoles; sextupole families and spool piece correctors; skew sextupoles, octupoles - were compared with predictions from various optics models. These comparisons allowed confirming or updating the relative polarity conventions used in the optics model and the accelerator control system, as well as verifying the correct powering and assignment of magnet families. Results from measurements in several LHC sectors are presented. |
MOPEC037 | High Beta Operation Scenarios for Crab Cavities in the Insertion Region 4 of the CERN Large Hadron Collider | 540 |
IR4 is a potential candidate for the installation of crab cavities in the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In this paper we present several operational scenarios in which the effect of the kick imparted by the cavity is enhanced by performing a dynamic unsqueeze of the beta function at collision energy. Linear optics, power supply requirements, beam aperture and finally potential luminosity increase studies will be discussed in order to rank and assess the feasibility of the various options. |
TUXMH02 | LHC Optics Model Measurements and Corrections | 1232 |
Optics stability during all phases of operation is crucial for the LHC. The optical properties of the machine have been optimized based on a detailed magnetic model of the SC magnets and on their sorting. Tools and procedures have been developed for rapid checks of beta beating, dispersion, and linear coupling, as well as for prompt optics correction. Initial optics errors, correction performance and optics stability from the first LHC run will be reported, and compared with expectations. Possible implications for the collimation cleaning efficiency and LHC machine protection will be discussed. |
TUOAMH02 | LHC Crab-cavity Aspects and Strategy | 1240 |
The 3rd LHC Crab Cavity workshop (LHC-CC09) took place at CERN in October 2009. It reviewed the current status and identified a clear strategy towards a future crab-cavity implementation. Following the success of crab cavities in KEK-B and the strong potential for luminosity gain and leveling, CERN will pursue crab crossing for the LHC upgrade. We present the summaries of the various workshop sessions which have led to the LHC crab-cavity strategy, covering topics like layout, cryomodule design, construction, integration, validation, and planning. |
TUPEC059 | Start-to-End Tracking Simulations of the Compact Linear Collider | 1859 |
We present the current status of the beam tracking simulations of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) from the exit of the damping ring to the interaction point, including the ring to main linac (RTML) section, main linac, beam delivery system (BDS) and beam-beam interactions. This model introduces realistic alignment survey errors, dynamic imperfections and also the possibility to study collective effects in the main linac and the BDS. Special emphasis is put on low emittance transport and beam stabilization studies, applying beam based alignment methods and feedback systems. The aim is to perform realistic integrated simulations to obtain reliable luminosity predictions. |
TUPD054 | Multi-bunch Effect of Resistive Wall in the CLIC BDS | 2051 |
Wake fields in the CLIC Beam Delivery System (BDS) can cause severe single or multi-bunch effects leading to luminosity loss. The main contributors in the BDS are geometric and resistive wall wake fields of the collimators and resistive wall wakes of the beam pipe. The present work focuses only on the multi-bunch effects from resistive wall. Using particle tracking with wake fields through the BDS, we have established the aperture radius, above which the effect of the wake fields becomes negligible. Our simulations were later extended to include a realistic aperture model along the BDS as well as the collimators. The two cases of 3TeV and 500GeV have been examined in this paper. |
WEOBRA01 | Benchmarking of the NTRM Method on Octupolar Nonlinear Components at the CERN-SPS Synchrotron | 2435 |
The measurement of synchrotron nonlinear components is an essential step for devising an effective compensation scheme for improving machine performances. A validation test of a recently proposed method called nonlinear tune response matrix (NTRM) for measuring circular accelerator nonlinear components is undergoing in a CERN-GSI joint effort. The test consists in the attempt of reconstructing few controlled octupolar components in the SPS synchrotron. In this proceeding we report on the SPS benchmarking experiment and discuss the performances the NTRM method applied to this measurements. |
WEPEB046 | Optimization of the CLIC Baseline Collimation System | 2794 |
Important efforts have recently been dedicated to the improvement of the design of the baseline collimation system of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Different aspects of the design have been optimized: the transverse collimation depths have been recalculated in order to reduce the collimator wakefield effects while maintaining a good efficiency in cleaning the undesired beam halo; the geometric design of the spoilers have also been reviewed to minimize wakefields; in addition, the optics design have been polished to improve the collimation efficiency. This paper describes the current status of the CLIC collimation system after this optimization. |
TUPEB037 | Interaction-Region Design Options for a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1605 |
In a linac-ring electron-proton collider based on the LHC ("LR-LHeC"), the final focusing quadrupoles for the electron beam can be installed far from the collision point, as far away as the proton final triplet (e.g. 23 m) if not further, thanks to the small electron-beam emittance. The inner free space could either be fully donated to the particle-physics detector, or accommodate "slim" dipole magnets providing head-on collisions of electron and proton bunches. We present example layouts for either scenario considering electron beam energies of 60 and 140 GeV, and we discuss the optics for both proton and electron beams, the implied minimum beam-pipe dimensions, possible design parameters of the innermost proton and electron magnets, the corresponding detector acceptance, the synchrotron radiation power and its possible shielding or deflection, constraints from long-range beam-beam interactions as well as from the LHC proton-proton collision points and from the rest of the LHC ring, the passage of the second proton beam, and the minimum beta* for the colliding protons. |
TUPEB039 | Designs for a Linac-Ring LHeC | 1611 |
We consider three different scenarios for the recirculating electron linear accelerator (RLA) of a linac-ring type electron-proton collider based on the LHC (LHeC): i) a basic version consisting of a 60 GeV pulsed, 1.5 km long linac, ii) a higher luminosity configuration with a 60 GeV 4 km long cw energy-recovery linac (ERL), and iii) a high energy option using a 140 GeV pulsed linac of 4 km active length. This paper describes the footprint, optics of linac and return arcs, emittance growth from chromaticity and synchrotron radiation, a set of parameters, and the performance reach for the three scenarios. |
WEPE028 | CLIC BDS Tuning, Alignment and Feedbacks Integrated Simulations | 3413 |
The CLIC BDS tuning, alignment and feedbacks studies have been typically performed independently and only over particular sections of the BDS. An effort is being put to integrate all these procedures to realistically evaluate the luminosity performance. |
WEPE029 | Impact of the Experiment Solenoid on the CLIC Luminosity | 3416 |
The main detector solenoid and associated magnets can have an important impact on the CLIC luminosity. These effects are discussed for different solenoid designs. In particular, the luminosity loss due to incoherent synchrotron radiation in the experiment solenoid and QD0 overlap is evaluated. The impact of the AntiDiD (Anti Detector integrated Dipole) on luminosity and compensated techniques on beam optic distortion are also discussed. |
WEPE030 | The CLIC BDS Towards the Conceptual Design Report | 3419 |
The CLIC Conceptual Design Report must be ready by 2010. This paper aims at addressing all the critical points of the CLIC BDS to be later implemented in the CDR. This includes risk evaluation and possible solutions to a number of selected points. The smooth and practical transition between the 500 GeV CLIC and the design energy of 3 TeV is also studied. |
WEPE100 | Dielectric Collimators for Linear Collider Beam Delivery System | 3587 |
In this presentation, dielectric collimator concepts for the linear collider will be described. Cylindrical and planar dielectric collimator designs for CLIC and ILC parameters will be presented, and results of simulations to minimize the beam impedance will be discussed. The prototype collimator system is planned to be fabricated and experimentally tested at Facilities for Accelerator Science and Experimental Test Beams (FACET) at SLAC. |
THPE020 | Scenarios for the ATF2 Ultra-Low Betas Proposal | 4554 |
The current ATF2 Ultra-Low beta proposal was designed to achieve 20nm vertical IP beam size without considering the multipolar components of the FD magnets. In this paper we describe different scenarios that avoid the detrimental effect of these multipolar errors in the FD. The simplest approach consists in modifying the optics but other solutions are studied as the introduction of new higher order magnets or the replacement of the FD with SC technology. The practical aspects of such an upgrade are the tuning performance and the compatibility with existing devices and instrumentation. These are fully addressed in the paper. |
THPE024 | Coupling and Vertical Dispersion Correction in the SPS | 4566 |
Consolidation of the coupling correction scheme in the LHC is motivated due to a missing skew quadrupole family in Sector 3-4 at the start-up in 2009. Simultaneous coupling and vertical dispersion correction using vertical orbit bumps at the sextupoles, was studied by analyzing turn-by-turn data. This scheme was tested in SPS where the optical structure of arc cells is quite similar to the LHC. In SPS, horizontal and vertical beam positions are measured separately with single plane BPMs, thus a technique to construct "pseudo double plane BPM" is also discussed. |
THPE025 | Coupling and Vertical Dispersion Correction studies for the LHC using Skew Quadrupoles and Vertical Orbit Bumps | 4569 |
After the incident in the LHC in 2008, few skew quadrupoles were damaged and subsequently removed from the tunnel. This could limit the correction of local coupling in the LHC. In order to increase the flexibility in the coupling correction it has been proposed to use of vertical orbit bumps at the sextupoles is studied. Moreover a simultaneous coupling and vertical dispersion can be implemented. Various studies are presented addressing the optimal approach for the correction of the vertical dispersion and the sum and difference coupling resonances. |
THPE026 | Software Package for Optics Measurement and Correction in the LHC | 4572 |
A software package has been developed for the LHC on-line optics measurement and correction. This package includes several different algorithms to measure phase advance, beta functions, dispersion, coupling parameters and even some non-linear terms. A Graphical User Interface provides visualization tools to compare measurements to model predictions, fit analytical formula, localize error sources and compute and send corrections to the hardware. |
THPE027 | Construction and Performance of IP Optics Tuning Knobs in the LHC | 4575 |
During the first years of operation of the LHC unknown field errors or misalignments could lead to unmatched optics and discrepancies with respect to the model. This could affect some critical parameters such as the luminosity or the lifetime. It is therefore desirable to implement tools which allow for fine tuning of the IP optics and could be used during the commissioning phase of the LHC. In this paper we report on the implementation the performances and the limitations of these commissioning tools. |
THPE053 | Linear and Chromatic Optics Measurements at RHIC | 4638 |
Measurements of chromatic beta-beating were carried out for the first time in the RHIC accelerator during Run 2009. The analysis package developed for the LHC was used to extract the off-momentum optics for injection and top energy. Results from the beam experiments and comparison to the optics model are presented. |
THPE083 | Signal Quality of the LHC AC Dipoles and its Impact on Beam Dynamics | 4716 |
The adiabaticity of the AC dipole might be compromised by noise or unwanted frequency components in its signal. An effort has been put to characterize and optimize the signal quality of the LHC AC dipoles. The measured signal is used in realistic simulations in order to evaluate its impact on beam dynamics and to ultimately establish safe margins for the operation of the LHC AC dipoles. |
WEPE022 | CLIC Energy Scans | 3395 |
The physics experiments at CLIC will require that the machine scans lower than nominal centre-of-mass energy. We present different options to achieve this and discuss the implications for luminosity and the machine design. |
WEPE041 | A Superconducting Magnet Upgrade of the ATF2 Final Focus | 3440 |
The KEK ATF2 facility, with a well instrumented beam line and Final Focus (FF), is a proving ground for linear collider (LC) technology to demonstrate the extreme beam demagnification and spot stability needed for a LC FF*. ATF2 uses water cooled magnets but the baseline ILC calls for a superconducting FF**. Thus we plan to replace some ATF2 FF magnets with superconducting ones made via direct wind construction as planned for the ILC. With no cryogenic supply at ATF2, we look to cool magnets and current leads with a few cryocoolers. ATF2 FF coil winding is underway at BNL and production warm magnetic measurements indicate good field quality. Having FF magnets with larger aperture and better field quality than present FF might allow reducing the beta function at the FF for study of focusing regimes relevant to CLIC. Our ATF2 magnet cryostat will have laser view ports for cold mass movement measurement and FF support and stabilization requirements under study. We plan to make stability measurements at BNL and KEK to relate ATF2 FF magnet performance to that of a full length ILC R&D prototype at BNL. We want to be able to predict LC FF performance with confidence. * ATF2 proposal, volumes 1 and 2 at |